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Comment Re:WebOS (Score 2) 115

That doesn't work they way you think it works. They have tons more information on you they don't show. Just because you have search history off doesn't mean they don't have it. It only means they don't show it to you.

Concerning WebOS. My wife tried android on her HP touchpad and promptly went back to WebOS. She probably uses the touchpad more than her desktop.

Comment Re:I only go to the grocery once a weel, but... (Score 1) 417

Exactly. I could do 90% of my job remotely, and I did so a couple of days this winter when the roads were crappy.
That being said, we rarely make trips into town to shop. Most grocery shopping is done by me by my wife emailing me a grocery list, and I stop at the store on the way home. It doesn't waste any more gas, just half an hour or so of my time.

Also, the other guys that were on a bike rant. I am a cyclist, but the roads I go to work on are too dangerous for commuting by bike. However, I went for a walk at lunch today and I saw 3 different douchebags on fixies blowing through stop signs and lights. Idiots like that give cyclists like me a bad name.

Comment Re:Cost Per Lumen? BS! (Score 1) 308

I think that is part of the reason for lack of LED uptake. Everyone has been burned with CFLs that never lasted as long as advertised. Since LEDs cost more and put out less light for same cost, and use roughly the same amount of electricity as CFLs, people are wary. I know I am. I don't want to spend a ton on LED bulbs that will last a year.

Comment Re:Opt Out? (Score 2) 78

Isn't ghostery owned by Evidon, who also owns Rapleaf? I wouldn't trust either of them.
However, I wouldn't trust Safe Shepherd either as they are aggregating info as well.

Seem like best bet for yourself is to stop scripts from running and cookies from storing.
Also, most of that technology is rendered useless if you are blocking ads because you never see what their magic mojo is throwing at you.

Comment Re:US Price Plans..... (Score 1) 404

Good example.. T-Mobile has coverage only in the largest city in my state, Iowa. The rest is "partner". That means my current prepaid provider that just moved to T-Mobile's network will no longer work for me. I am hoping they refund me any unused credit when they cut off Sprint. (strangely enough, the largest provider in the US, Verizon, doesn't have coverage in the small town I live in, so their MVNO's are not an option either.

Comment Re:I've been playing it since yesterday. (Score 1) 149

Agree with you on most every point. Graphics could have been nicer, however, it plays great on my system which is pretty old. 2.13ghz Core 2 duo, slightly OC'ed nvidia 9600 gso with 768mb, 1280x1024. It ran so smoothly at default medium, I bumped it up to high and still runs great.
I did like the the damp, dark setting for Bioshock better... so far that is.

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