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Comment Re:LIttle comfort (Score 1) 240

So... is there a test that can be performed in the field to see if the subject has this specific gene combo? Say something you could add to a drink (or spike the bars ice supply with) that would react and turn the drink blue to identify the trait and safe the rest of us guys a few hours of effort? I suppose you could also market the test to couples thinking of an exclusive relationship.

Just thinking out loud, ignore me.

Comment Re:first! (Score 1) 1425

While I didn't read every post on this article, this is the first one I've seen that is objective. Regardless of her qualifications, an evil part of me wants her to win the nomination and Presidency, simply so I can watch the nervous breakdown of some of my liberal friends. Sometimes that same part of me will mention Bush and WMD to get them all worked up like terriers.

She's hated because the media told us we should hate her. I don't really see any other reason why she would be so hated. I don't know if she's libertarian or fiscally conservative enough for my tastes.

Comment Re:400M ? (Score 1) 230

I call about every 6 months to see if there is a faster package for my DSL line. It's still locked down to 1.5m/768k. The wireless ISP gives me 6m/1.5m. It's frustrating to not even get real DSL speeds, I guess it's one of the prices to pay for living rural outside a small town.

Comment Re:Retest (Score 1) 685

Good! If more people took as much interest in politics as you do, we might actually get back to "government of the people, by the people and for the people". We also might get a candidate worth voting for, instead of the collection we've had for the past 20 something years.

Comment Re:Expectation of privacy (Score 2, Interesting) 361

Whereas when I was living in Germany, it wasn't totally uncommon to have someone sit at an empty chair at your table in a restaurant. That sort of thing would cause the manager of the restaurant to be called to have the person ejected from the premises if it happened here in the US. Different things are "rude" to different folks.

Comment Re:Not again. (Score 1) 283

Hmmm, does your ISP have a TOS? If so, then by using that service you are agreeing to the idea that they have the right to set terms for your service, that connecting to their pipes can come with limitations. Branding it "internet access" doesn't convey any special protected rights to you, only that you can access the internet, in accordance with their terms. Your TOS probably doesn't even spell out that you will be guaranteed access to the entire internet. As long as they are providing you access to part of the internet, they have fulfilled their requirements of "internet access".

Now, that said, while I generally disagree with the Feds sticking their nose in any private business, I do agree with the idea of a free (as in speech) internet and if they do have to regulate net neutrality then so be it.

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