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Comment Re:Good list... (Score 1) 226

strange. I'd like to make a template image and post this to a chan to see what other people fill out.

I share your esdf rather than wasd but use the space for jump, shift to crouch, right btn for alt-fire, wheel click for melee, mouse thumb button for grenades. (BC2).

Comment Re:Android fragmentation, closed source, open mark (Score 0) 384

So what you are saying is that consumers are too stupid to use judgement, to read reviews, to carefully consider what should be on the phone, and that Google should restrict their choices.

Maybe Google can come out with a special version of their OS - code named 'Obama' - and it will lock everything down and prevent you from freely installing whatever software you want.

Comment Re:Screw 3G. (Score 1) 395

The problem is that when you travel, the WIFI often isn't free. Airports and hotels charge a lot of money. And there are places with no Wifi.

That's why I have a Android phone that can tether (unbenknownt ATT who is providing me with unlimited data for $12 a month).

Comment Nothing wrong with any of this (Score 1) 217

If anything it saves American lives and money by winning battles with words rather than bullets.

This is a time-old tactic that goes back to the founding of this country (the Founders published tracts and newspapers, etc.)

Besides, even if you find it distasteful, our enemies use of the same tactic necessitates that we use it as well.

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