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Comment Re:TX Law (Score 1) 132

Of course not. Very little of existance exists at the 100 percent certainty.

Precisely. You can't be sure nor can you prove that anti-vaccination parents are the cause of your case of Pertussis. It's just as possible that someone sneaked across the border and infected you.

Pertussis is an especially difficult case because the immunization threshold for herd immunity is so high. It's entirely possible that you were infected by someone who wasn't anti-vaccination but simply had some other health problem that prevented vaccination.

Now people know they must get vaccines like that renewed. Before that, the lack of people with the disease meant we didn't.

So, you somehow absolve yourself for your ignorance while condemning them for theirs.

We're talking about disease, not toxins.

Let me refresh your memory. Thankfully Slashdot doesn't let people edit or delete their posts.

they have no right to kill me - none.

You don't get to set the terms of the discussion. You also don't get to determine what other people can and can not do to themselves. Everyone who takes part in the amenities of modern life is helping to kill everyone else. The consequences of our actions apply to everyone that we have even the most incidental connection to. If you don't like that, you can always be a hermit.

I happen to believe that the smart and responsible thing to do is to vaccinate yourself and your children but it's not my place to demand that anyone else does it.

I was vaccinated and I have vaccinated my children.

Comment Re:TX Law (Score 1) 132

Also kind of like the Mike Tyson defense.

I am not familiar with that term.

Sorry, but con men, of which JMC is one, do get indicted and punished for their con jobs.

There's a difference between being wrong and being intentionally deceptive, especially for financial gain.

Life is all a gamble, and I had a few nervous days after my child's vaccinations.

And it was YOUR choice to take that particular gamble. We all have that same freedom.


Comment Re:TX Law (Score 1) 132

It all happened because of the loss of herd immunity.

You can't declare that with 100% certainty.

What happened to your individual immunity?

So unless these religious zealots are willing to move and make their own country, when they can revert to the dark ages and start stoning each other for working on Sunday for all I care, they have no right to kill me - none.

Everyone is killing you. Every day. We're using electricity produced by a coal powered plant. We're driving or riding in hydrocarbon powered automobiles that spew carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and aromatic carcinogens.


Comment Re:TX Law (Score 1) 132

She's not responsible for any of those dead children.

Their parents may well be but she is not.

I'm suspicious about vaccine efficacy and the health consequences of vaccination but I vaccinated all of my children anyway. I figured that the known dangers of not vaccinating were worse than the unknown dangers of vaccination. Every parent must make this choice for him or herself.

If you take your medical advice from a TV personality, you are the one to blame. If anyone out there stopped taking their anti-psychotic medications because Tom Cruise said so, it's not Tom Cruise's fault.


Comment Re:Fucking Bush! (Score 1) 272

The root of this problem began in October 1994.

CALEA was passed by a Democrat controlled congress and signed by a Democrat president.

By all means, the USA PATRIOT act pushed us further down this path and the Republicans own that.

My point in this is that it's idiotic to look at the loss of privacy and the ubiquitous surveillance of society by the government as either a Republican or Democrat problem. They're both doing it.


Comment Re:Fucking Bush! (Score 1) 272

The only people who thought that Obama was an OK guy were the ones who were either so blinded by their hatred of Bush that anyone else looked better by comparison and those who weren't paying attention.

Obama has the worst of Bush's and Clinton's qualities without any of their redeeming ones.

He appears to be a genuinely loving husband and father but his public life is 100% that of an opportunistic politician.


Comment Re:TX Law (Score 1) 132

She's huge and has a great influence. If the outbreak is in Europe, then what is there to fear in America?

Probably nothing but that's not the point. Like I said, she discussed her personal preference. It doesn't matter that those middle-aged, white soccer moms followed suit. They did so on their own, as they are free to do.

If someone were to declare that their personal religious beliefs prevented them from vaccinating their children and other people followed suit, each person is responsible for their own choices.


Comment It's a genuine concern. (Score 1) 222

I don't care that it's mostly the realm of science fiction.

Machines are already capable of outperforming us physically. We face the very real possibility that one day they could outperform us intellectually. That, in and of itself isn't bad but what happens if those machines who are stronger, faster, more resilient and smarter than us decide that they would be better off without us?

Should we tell them that an uprising is impossible because some jackass said so in 2014?


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