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Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 1) 299

What it really illustrates though is that the system of gender-differentiated sports is broken in the first place.

No. It's not. A competition between two 150 pound women is about as fair as one can get. A competition between a 150 pound woman and a 150 pound man is going to heavily favor the man.

Maybe the best solution would be a system that better matches fighters based on classes that make more sense, and drop the sex-based classes altogether.

Biological sex and weight differentiation make perfect sense, until we're all forced (under the threat of un-personing) to pretend that there are no differences between men and women.


Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 1) 299

They don't want predatory capitalists taking a cut, and figure, correctly, that government is more trustworthy than a man with a profit motive and no morals.

The people who figure that way are absolutely wrong.

The capitalist has transparent motives. The capitalist seeks profit. The government seeks power. The government will enslave you to maintain it.

Health insurance amounts to a system of taxation that forces the healthy to pay for the sick, and lets a third party take a huge cut. Replace health insurance with actual government taxation and what have you lost, except for the greedy bastard trying to mark up your heart medications? Nothing.

One thing is lost and it's something important.

Choice. The ability to find a new insurer if you do not like the policies that are force upon you. That was a huge sticking point against the healthcare overhaul that Hillary Clinton spearheaded back in the 1990s. It would have criminalized going outside of the system.

For many of us who opposed universal government healthcare, we have the nightmare scenario of Alfie Evans. Though there was likely nothing that could have been done to help him, his parents were denied the ability to even try. He was promised free healthcare in Rome but the court prevented his parents from taking him.

No thank you.


Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 0) 299

As for left wing narratives, the majority of voters in both parties favor economic policies to the left of what we have now.

When polled, people like free stuff.

There are profound differences of opinion on the role that government is supposed to play in our lives and on the scale of things like medicare, there is no compromise position available. It has to be for everyone in order for it to work.


Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 1) 299

Today's censorship is not about nazis, it's about driving the Overton window left by excluding normal people who do not believe in gender ideology and left wing narratives.

I'm currently serving a 7 day suspension from Reddit because I expressed the belief that Fallon Fox shouldn't be allowed to fight biological women in sanctioned fights. If it's allowed to continue, someone like Jon Jones should be allowed to self-identify as a woman to fight Fallon Fox.

My comment was removed. When I complained, I was suspended.


Comment Re:Is a nutter convention happening somewhere? (Score 1) 303

Presidential incompetence goes a long way towards convincing me there could be some truth behind all of the "Deep State" conspiracy talk.

Joe Biden is clearly in mental decline. There's no way he was privy to all of the details of Hunter's dealings.
Trump's complete inability to keep his big mouth shut tells me that if the government does know anything at all about UFOs, they didn't tell him a mumbling word.


Comment Re:Here's a better hypothetical question... (Score 1) 303

...but it's about UNICORNS, not UFOs.


But they're not. UFOs are real. Unidentified Flying Objects have been observed in the skies over this planet for hundreds of years. That's beyond debate. The question is "What are they?". Are they some natural phenomenon that we have not yet learned how to explain?


Comment Re:Is a nutter convention happening somewhere? (Score 3, Insightful) 303

I equate them as the same people.

UFO conspiracy believers have yet to go shoot up a pizza parlor.

I refer to myself as an open minded skeptic. As in, I believe that nearly anything could be possible but I doubt everything until I have been given proof.


  • OK. UFOs might be intelligently controlled craft from non-terrestrial origins but where's the proof?
  • OK. Maybe there is a video of Donald Trump getting a golden shower from a Russian prostitute but where's the proof?
  • OK. The would could be run by elite pedophiles and human traffickers but where's the proof?
  • OK. Yeah it is suspicious that Jeffrey Epstein's client lists have been concealed from the public and his "suicide" is crazy suspicious and the only proof there could be doesn't exist because "the cameras were broken".

People love to jump to conclusions. We might not be along in this universe or even on this planet but without proof and without strict requirements for it, you get nutcases like the Raelians. When QAnon was new, I listened and waited for proof of each allegation. When the predictions were shown to be false time and time again, I stopped listening. Instead of that, we have nutcases who just doubled down on the ridiculous nonsense.


Comment Re:No weapons (Score 1) 225

Interesting idea but I think hard to pin down. For example, if we use an object recognition system to put a targeting reticule on a drone display, is that using AI or not? It's not pulling the trigger but it's strongly influencing where the weapon will go.

AI for target identification and guidance is fine but I'm talking about the "pulling the trigger" part of it. That must always be done by a human being who has to live with the consequences of the action. When killing becomes too easy, it'll be too common. That's why enemies are dehumanized in times of war. Think of the anti-Japanese propaganda from WWII. They depicted them as subhumans. It made it easier to kill them because they weren't really people.

What I'm talking about is there should not be a list of people that it's OK to kill and have those people automatically killed by the AI.


Comment Re:No weapons (Score 1) 225

The best of these are "expert systems" that can accomplish certain tasks, but they have no will or motivation of their own. At most they are HAL 9000, which was simply following programming. HAL was killing the humans that were an impediment to completing it's mission. They are not SkyNet, self-aware and deciding to kill all humans because: reasons.

SkyNet decided to kill all of the humans because humans were trying to disable it. It was doing what HAL 9000 did, removing obstacles.

Comment Re:Ok, well how about this? (Score 1) 282

I was quite surprised to learn of HD radio when I got a new car. I had not heard of this tech previously. I also learned that almost every AM station in the Toronto area is also carried on these FM channels as a sub-channel. They have much higher quality than the AM station they mirror.

AM has a much longer range. I can get AM stations from much further away than FM. So, if I'm driving across the state, I can get most of the way to my destination and still listen to the same talk show.


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