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Comment Re:Given how most spend their time in college... (Score 4, Informative) 226

Code Monkey == Wrench Monkey.

Which is what the US sorely needs. We stopped telling people to go into trades because EVERYONE HAS TO GO TO COLLEGE. I was told in high school I couldn't take welding because I was "going to college." Guess what jobs are in short supply these days? Welding, plumbing, etc.

Sometimes you just need a trade to do a job. Do I need someone that understands coupled classes or a hashtable to build me a website or implement an idea in C? No. If you put 5-10 good coders under a good software engineer I'd trust the output more than trying to hire 3-4 software engineers.

Companies don't hire all engineers, they hire techs as well. We don't need to hire all CS or SE majors but there is a place for them just like there is a place for someone that took a 19-week course on programming.

Comment Re:Unfortunate, but not surprising (Score 1) 450

Is there a good *BSD that has figured out binary package management yet?

Not that I don't love being able to compile everything from scratch but I've stuck with debian for so long because apt-get "just works".

I think in 8 years of use I've had a handful of issues with it (or aptitude/dpkg) where as I've had many more with Windows dependencies.

Comment Re:Ethics (Score 1) 321

It's closer to a big window with blinds. If you don't close the blinds you can't complain about people being able to stand on the sidewalk and see.

Just because the window is a fancy box you plug into the internet it isn't my fault you didn't read how to close the blinds. No one is physically entering my house. I can still call you from my cell phone while standing our street.

Close your damn blinds.

Comment Re:If the cause of the crash... (Score 1) 165

What about stuff that can't be controlled by the human? Some modern aircraft only fly because they have a computer doing most of the hard math for keeping the craft stable. The human's input is more or less a 'guide' to follow but a lot of the actuators are in the end controlled by some closed loop controller.

Comment Re: Not a chance (Score 2) 631

Those debit 'protections' are when you run it as a debit card with PIN. Almost all debit cards can also be run as credit cards. When they are run as 'signature' credit cards credit card protections apply.

Never use your PIN anywhere but the ATM. Most especially not on any ole card reader you're handed in a restaurant. Most places assume debit and if you hit 'cancel' or 'change payment type' you can always get it to run as a credit card.

Comment Re:SYSTEM-D SUCKS! (Score 1) 162

To expand. If it's a script it has a script handler. If it has a script handler it can be rewritten.

There's no reason they couldn't add a few features from newer scripting languages to enable forking of functions or "own fun". If the kernel (the one running said script with said script handler) supports multiple cores/threads it could easily be the more modularized, etc.

All still from one script.

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