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Comment Re:Position (Score 1) 301

If I want to do any graphics, touchpad is really a horrible input device for that. I carry a small mouse just for that purpose.
And the other port is usually occupied by the USB modem.
Yeah, I could download whatever graphics I need, unplug the modem, plug the mouse in, make the graphics and switch the devices again. But that's damn cumbersome, especially that the modem needs some 2-3 minutes to start and connect.

Comment Re: Error in headline (Score 1) 301

It's a subject far too touchy to be critically analyzed by any scientist who wants to retain their reputation. In case the results don't fit the current political agenda, too bad for the results and the scientist who obtained them.

I'm pretty sure IQ tests that are gender and ethnic background neutral (e.g. developed by a mixed team of all backgrounds) are entirely possible. It's just a can of worms nobody wants to open, because *POSSIBLY* - similarly to how different races, nationalities and genders have different predispositions in sports (take the separation of men's and women's leagues in almost all sports) - so do human brains.

But in this case objective truth will not be known anytime soon. Any initial research is bound to contain faults, as is standard for every single domain of research. But while in other domains the faults are detected, pointed out and corrected in incremental research phases without any fuss, in this case they mean totally ruining the career of the researcher.

Comment Re: Error in headline (Score 1) 301

I am familiar with the concept. It's a concept of trying to fit data into preconceived idea. It's bad science and it produces faulty results.

It's like you were performing drug tests with use of a test group and a control group but ditched performing any tests on the control group assuming it's 'default' and none of symptoms appearing in the test group ever happen in the control group.

Any gender bias studies are entirely fallacious if they are gender-biased.

Comment Re:Error in headline (Score 1) 301

"Maleness is defaultness."

The heck?

You are comparing two groups. And a'priori you assume one group is "default" and the other is "exceptional" despite their population giving a percent or so of advantage to the other. You don't analyze symmetries and asymmetries but only "experiences" of one of the groups, completely disregarding the counterpart. And then you draw comparative conclusions without performing actual comparisons.

I'd say your research method is flawed from moment one.

Comment Re:Error in headline (Score 5, Insightful) 301

Problem in numbers available.

that's like saying that increasing the number of minority coders will decrease the overall quality of code produced.

Imagine you have a company that is to hire ten new employees. There are 100 white applicants and 10 applicants of minorities. Their skill lies on the same bell curve; no difference in distribution.

If you perform tests and pick 10 best candidates, statistics say one of the hired ten will be of the minority.

Now if your company policy says "50% must be of minority" you end up hiring the top 5% of white and top 50% of minority. Of course the new white employees will outperform the minority ones simply because you got crème-de-la-crème of the whites and merely "above average" of the minorities. And of course the disparity will cause frictions, rift in the team, disparity of handled workload and worse code quality on the average. Oh, and the company policies will protect the minority employees, punishing the whites who confront them for worse performance.

Trying to enforce a higher percentage of accepted minority products/employees/students than what percent of the applicants they are is in fact discrimination against the majority. In the above example a white guy who got 93% on the company test will be rejected in favor of a colored with 55%, simply because of skin color.

Comment I wonder... (Score 1) 75

This *might* be an avenue alternative to ion engines for flights that don't stray too far from the Sun. LEO-Moon, Lagrangian Points, inner planets. And it could be combined with ion and rocket propulsion.

You can't store all the propellant at extreme pressures simply because the tank needed to contain these pressures would be extremely heavy. There's a fine balance between weight of the tank and savings on storing pressurized fuel (both energy stored as pressure and more fuel fitting in). We're at "state of art" here and can't push that much farther.

But we can afford a *tiny* extreme-pressure tank, and we have weightless unlimited solar energy at cost of fixed-size, fixed-weight solar panels.

Run the pump with solar power, gradually pressurizing the fuel to quite extreme pressures in the dedicated, tiny, very durable tank. Release it through a narrow nozzle at extreme speeds. Speed it up even more through combustion or electric field of ion propulsion. You're converting solar energy to extra delta-v with no extra fuel usage. You have just the fixed cost of the pump+buffer tank infrastructure and they can be kept really tiny, since we don't try to get a high throughput of the fuel (and have limited energy input anyway), just to increase the propellant stored energy by transforming electricity into pressure.

Comment Re:Are you retarded? (Score 1) 56

Instead of taking values of keys (which would be a poor seed), take timing of keypresses. If the calculator runs at 1MHz, run a loop that takes 10uS per iteration, and count how many iterations it took between keypresses, modulo 100. No human is capable of timing their keypresses to 1 millisecond with *any* precision, nor correlate the keypresses to any fixed multiple of 10us period, so the sub-millisecond part of timing is entirely random.

So, you're getting about 7 bits of entropy per keypress. Double that for key release. 14 bits per push, d12 is around 3.5 bits of entropy so mash your buttons for a total of 18 keypresses and you have your key.

Comment Re:The perfect summary of the case: (Score 1) 365

So much for a reasonable discussion. The second your claims are challenged or disproven, you resort to verbal violence. And I'm sure if you had the opportunity, it wouldn't only be verbal. And then you rage when people don't want to treat you seriously.

So typical. Seeing the straw in other's eye...

Comment Re:The perfect summary of the case: (Score 1) 365

I hope you realize your mindset is what caused the most recent (and ongoing) recession - "the sub-prime mortgage credits" granted to people, who were clearly classified as a high-risk group that would cause severe losses on the average due to failure to pay them - but since they happened to be covered by anti-discrimination laws, the credits had to be granted anyway.

That's when political correctness trumps plain business sense and plain scum can get privleged treatment simply based on their skin color.

The blacks, instead of trying to force more acceptance through laws, should first get to cleaning up their own backyard and simply reduce the reasons that acceptance is so hard to come by: glorification of violence and crime, the "I deserve, you owe me" attitudes, poor ethics, and above all ostracization of these of their society, who grew successful through honest means and education.

Unfortunately, all these anti-social behaviors are ingrained as their "culture" and defended fiercely; they form a self-destructive society and then they resist if the destruction of their society spills out and is fought back.

And these, who broke out of the trap, suffer mistrust and discrimination simply because they are still suspect to be "wolves in sheep skins". And the prevalent belief that they are unable to fail on their own - that all their failures are a result of discrimination - really doesn't help things.

Imagine a situation: There are two black girls that join the college. One studies, works hard and passes all the exams just fine; not brilliantly but well on par with other good students. The other doesn't. She hangs out with the low-life, she choose the life of parties and drinking. When exam time comes, she fails along with fellow white party animals, but unlike them, she submits a complaint that she was discriminated against, and threatens the school with lawsuit. The school yields and grants her the diploma.

The two show up for a job interview. They have the same diplomas. The employer knows about their skill only basing on their diplomas (needs an expert in a field he's a layman in) and has a good clue about practices of extortion of such diplomas. He may choose either of them, or a white graduate who didn't have the leverage of discrimination lawsuit. He has a good business sense, and picks the low-risk white. ...and in this equation the black girl, who worked hard, gets the shortest end of the stick. But who's at fault here? The employer, who puts good business above political correctness? Or maybe these, who allowed the situation where the party animal was able to extort her diploma? Her friends, who gave her the advice "Party on, you're black, you're safe."? Government, that created a law prone to abuse, and as result deterrent to its intended purpose? Her family and surroundings, which reinforced the "they owe me, and it's always their fault" mindset instead of giving her firm work ethics?

It's the "few rotten apples" problem, except the rotten apples are quite numerous and any attempt to "un-rot" them is touted an assault on the black culture.

Comment List of banned jobs. (Score 2) 331

"As a current employee of Amazon and looking for a different work, with reference to Non-Compete document# xxx I have signed, I am requesting a comprehensive list of jobs and domains which I'm forbidden to participate in. Currently my job as a janitor of warehouse X leaves me with very little to no knowledge of what products or services are in development, manufacture, marketing, sale , offered or otherwise provided by Amazonof any product or service that competes or is intended to compete with any product or service sold, offered, or otherwise provided by Amazon, and especially the ones it intends any of the above in the future. Since I must know if I'm allowed to perform any of jobs there are openings for, I require this information, so that I don't violate my Non-Compete."

"Please deliver the printed list to my house at [...], as I'm unable to rent a truck to take it home from work."

Comment Re:The perfect summary of the case: (Score 1) 365

Yes, discrimination against "High-litigation-risk" minorities. The gender/race correlation against said risk makes it appear like gender or race discrimination, but in essence it's just a good business practice to avoid employees that can ruin your business.

The fact feminists thought ruining their employers is a good gender equality promotion tactics... uh.

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