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Comment Re:Good, about time (Score 1) 830

Issue was money. The US is BIG

But Carter had just peanuts.... I know, I know...

Now let's all turn our thermostats up to 75 in the summer and down to 65 in the winter and start driving no faster than 55 MPH... (Excuse me, I mean 24C, 18C and 90K/h)

Which is why people had enough and voted for Reagan. The issue is clearly it would cost money and hassle for no benefit when at the time people were paying 90% of their income to the government. ENOUGH! Inflation back then was caused by high oil prices and a government doing everything it can to limit the money supply by debt and high taxation.

Comment Re: Encryption users agree: (Score 2) 221

At least corporations care about the people unlike the government.

Corporations are made good by the free market so there is no incentive to take away your encryption. Infact corporations love encryption because they secure stuff.

Government on the otherhand interest is to invade peoples' lives and take away encryption.

Comment Re:Encryption users agree: (Score 0, Flamebait) 221

Vote for libertarians and Europeans far right candidates? They are the only ones who respect your rights and will weaken government control out of them!

Socialism is communist lite and this proves big government is bad. The founding fathers would be mortified if they knew what the NSA was and would be snooping.

Comment Re:Open Source Windows (Score 4, Insightful) 290

Oh please coming from a long time linux and freebsd user.

The costs to fly consultants to fix broken IE specific sites like SAP, java applets that look for XP and crap out on other platforms, wine bugs, lack of AD support for lockdowns, and help desk Temps to sort through the angry users, documents created with Libre office looking funny to potential clients with Office, are pure madness to consider! Don't give me the garbage about how users were supposed to save as .docx with no macros. Many are drooling idiots who will want to reprimand your ass for ca using this etc. Wine config? Yeah good luck with a 1,000 users including HR who have a weird java applet where people don't get paid if an error arises ;-)

I am not saying this as a troll. Linux has it's uses for specialized servers.

But if people wanted to be freed they would have last decade. Windows is reliable now since NT came and gets shit done

Comment Re:Linux Mint 13 (Maya) MATE desktop demo (Score 1, Insightful) 290

Why bother then? Easier to just use what came with computer which is Windows.

Mate is a fork for the now obsolete gnome 2 4 years ago. I left linux 4 years ago because of nonsense like 5 his realizing gnome 3 made it game over.

Why would someone want to be free of Microsoft? It just works and is stable now. It ain't 1998 anymore where you could make a case since Windows now has an NT kernel

Comment Re:MS Paint (Score 2) 290

What you describe is skuemorphic design which objects mimic real world objects which is the old way of doing things.

Look at the candy buttons and leather in the address bar to see why the art professors decided not to go this route anymore.

With flat the design possibilities are endless as you can make the gui in a way you want and the user can focus on content-consumption and work. Not glass and depicting what a tiny pic of something like a skuemorphic button means. Think of Stop signs? They are simple colors and text.

I am not saying I agree with this. Just reprinting what I read on art blogs. FYI it was Google that started this. Not Microsoft. The search is soo basic but is powerful underneath

Submission + - Windows 10 RTM in 6 weeks (

Billly Gates writes: Arstechnica has the scoop on a new build with less flat icons and a confirmation of a mid July release date. While Microsoft is in a hurry to fix the damage by the Windows 8 versions of its operating system the question next is if it is ready for prime time? On Neowin a list of problems are already mentioned by MS and its users with this latest release including wifi and sound not working without a reboot and users complaining about tiles and apps not working in the new start menu. Also the new Microsoft browser EDGE/aka Spartan will be shipping without plugin support at RTM which could damage its reputation as an IE killer as one of the disadvantages of IE compared to Firefox or Chrome was the lack of real browser extensions. Also this new build takes away color from the titlebars similiar to Office 2013 which bothers some users as well. What is not known is if Microsoft plans to have OEMs sell new computers with Windows 10 in the middle of July? Or will this mean OEM's will get the official version for testing and deployment in the middle of July too while Microsoft fixes the bugs for the next 1 — 3 months before it comes standard on all new pcs?

Comment Re: flat as a pancake: invasion pending (Score 1) 236

The apeal is it makes it easier for consumers to identify the products.

McDonald's has a flat big Mac logo on it's bags. It is not photo gradient and easy to tell what it is without being distracting.

Android is but ugly too. It is a new thing and not a Windows 8 thing.

Windows 10 does have a aero glass start menu back so it is not so dang pastelish

Comment Re: flat as a pancake: invasion pending (Score 1) 236

Shoot it's 2015 man ...

I hated nested menus in Office 2003 with a passion! Microsofts own statistics showed back then 85% of users only used 20% of features or something silly.

Worse users requested features Office already had?

The ribbon changed this and shows it was better. It took a good week for me back in 2008 to learn. Now you couldnt pay me to go back. I am visual and can even hover my cursor to preview changes :-)

For the Unix geeks try this? Hit the alternative key? Notice the letters and numbers of the ribbon appear. With Office 2007 and later it is more keyboard friendly.

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I use technology in order to hate it more properly. -- Nam June Paik
