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Comment Re:when? (Score 2) 182

TWC neglects our area nearly as badly as Verizon; we didn't have DOCSIS 3 until 18 months ago and if you were unlucky enough to live on a congested node you'd see peak hour speeds dip below 1Mbps. This is a city of 50k with metro area of 250k, we're not talking about cow country. Head out into the sticks and you've got nothing but satellite or (maybe) LTE, neither of which makes for an acceptable wireline replacement.

Bleh, I feel for you... totally...

The state of Internet in the US is embarrassing... where there is a monopoly, the prices are stupid and the speeds are slow.

Comment Re:when? (Score 1) 182

I'd rather see society make a concerted effort to get everybody a 10/10 connection than roll out gigabit speeds to a handful of lucky cities. We've got whole swathes of the country that are lucky to see T1 speeds on the download side and a pittance on upload. Of course, 25/25 would be better, 50/50 awesome, and 100/100 future proof.

While I agree with you to a point, I wouldn't say 10/10. That is no longer fast enough for a lot of what people could be doing. Video is no longer a minor part of the web.

25/25 would be enough to give multiple streams of 1080p video, which would allow the cable companies to go away. :)

I used to have DirecTV, got rid of them a year ago or so, now everything for us is streaming. I'd be happy to pay some reasonable number per month to buy channels over the web à la carte.

Comment Re:when? (Score 4, Interesting) 182

Pretty cool, but still not a fundamental change in the way you use the internet.

Actually, for me personally, it was...

With TWC and 50/5, I made a point to download anything I might think I wanted, because in the evenings, I never actually could get 50 down because it was shared with about 150 houses (actually I'm sure it was faster than that, but a 500 down connection shared with 150 homes is crappy at 7pm).

Now that I get a solid 18 megabytes per second, 24 hours a day, it has changed that behavior. Steam is a good example, I used to have the whole collection downloaded. Then it grew and I needed more space to keep it, and it was running slower keeping everything up to date.

Even a 10GB game would only take about 10 min to download. Now granted, I'd prefer faster, but what it means is that if I really want to play something, 10 min is enough time to go make coffee, use the bathroom, etc.

The "cloud" has become much more useful as such. With "more or less" unlimited space in my OneDrive, it has become practical to upload a copy of everything there. I would never have tried that before with just 5 up. I also run two online backup services, BackBlaze and Crashplan, to make sure I haev copies of everything. In addition, about 2 TB of critical files (mostly work related) are stored on Amazon Glacier. Again something I wouldn't try with 5 up, but with 150 up, becomes no big deal.

And yes, in addition to 4 copies in the cloud, I also have multiple external hard drives that I rotate on backups. I lost data once, nearly 20 years ago... NEVER AGAIN! :) (and yes, I test restores from time to time)


Just my personal experience, others will be different of course.

Comment Re:Lucky bastards (Score 1) 182

Meanwhile I'm lucky to get 1.2mbps off my DSL and my new place doesn't have cable or dsl access. I might be able to get 802.11n wifi, but with all likelihood I'm going to be stuck with the gawdaweful lag of a satellite. :(

My wife has been shopping for a new home in the county, she recently found a nice 10 acre place with a starter house on it not too far outside of Dallas for under 300k that would let us move there and then build a proper home when we're ready.

It is about 5 miles past decent internet. :)

My deal with her is that if I can't get at least 50/50 internet, I'm not going, otherwise she can have almost anything she wants.

I'm not going back to 50/5, that is just evil. I have 150/150 now, but frankly don't really need that much, 50/50 would be enough. It is the lack of upload on most home connections that would kill me.

Comment Re:when? (Score 1) 182

I currently have the luxury of mooching off a business class symmetrical connection (30/30) which has completely spoiled me. It's dedicated speed and has more upload than any consumer grade connection I can obtain. When I have to go back to a residential line I will miss that upload more than anything else. I can't match it where I currently live (TWC, 50/5 is the best here) or where I plan on living (Cox, tops out at 150/20 and is totally out of my price range, the most affordable tier is 50/5).

I hear you... I used to have TWC at 50/5... but thankfully I've had FIOS for several years now...

150 down, 150 up... really a wonderful thing... That 700MB download? About 39 seconds...

And I really do get those speeds... There is enough bandwidth to the neighborhood to support it.

Comment Re:With the best will in the world... (Score 1) 486

Extreme edge cases, not common edge cases. Examples:

1. Towing excessive weight

Just FYI, the use of the word "excessive" implies a bias.

2. Driving long distances and needing to make extremely infrequent and short refueling stops (like 10 minutes max)

This is true, road trips account for a small fraction of total miles driven.

3. Driving all day in an area where there are no charging options or don't have time to stop and refuel at one.

I know of exactly one charging station in town, it is located at a restaurant. Otherwise there is no place to charge that I know of.

I can count on one finger the number of times in a year something like that might apply to me. For those rare occasions, renting a vehicle is practical.

Fair enough, that choice will make sense for some people.

My primary issue is that I can't rent a vehicle that I'd actually want to drive across the country, they simply are not as nice as the vehicle that I drive on a regular basis.

If you could dependably rent such a thing, it would at least be worth considering. I suspect the cost would make it pointless however, as it stands the cost to rent a base Suburban for a week is more than the monthly cost to own mine. It probably would be 2 months worth of payments for a nice one to rent.

Comment Re:Seems he has more of a clue (Score 1) 703

Not that "upend our entire economy" nonsense again.

Your calling it nonsense doesn't further your argument. Nor does it attract anyone who wasn't already on your side.

You don't owe me an explanation, and I don't owe you any support. If you want my support, it'll cost you an explanation that isn't filled with insults and personal attacks.


For what it is worth, I'm perfectly willing to change my behavior and views when presented with reasonable information that actually makes sense.

I recently replaced every bulb in my house with LEDs, when someone posted the math on the price of the bulbs and how much power they were using. I was not aware that LEDs had dropped in price so much or how much power the older bulbs were using.

Once shown new information, changing was easy.

I have seen no such information that we could do the same with our overall CO2 emissions in such a way as to make a difference to the outcome, without crashing the economy. And yes, I've read up on the subject on both pro and con web sites, and yes, I'm above average in intelligence. :)

I'm not against CO2 being a problem, but I am against changing our whole way of life if it doesn't even solve the problem. I'd rather spend the money to adapt to the future that is coming, than fight against it when we can't stop it.

Comment Re:Talk about creating a demand (Score 1) 334

Wind is cheaper than coal, since a decade more or less.

Citation needed

Wait, how about I provide one:

"Wind power is the second most expensive. It costs nearly 6 cents more per KWH (than coal)"

solar is about to become cheaper right now.

Not even close...

From the above: "Adding up the net energy cost and the net capacity cost of the five low-carbon alternatives, far and away the most expensive is solar. It costs almost 19 cents more per KWH than power from the coal or gas plants that it displaces."

You are wrong about the power bill, you are also wrong about the heat or coldness of germany. The summer here is more or less like yours.

What parts of Germany regularly hit 40c and spend about a month at that temp?

Last time you talked about your bill you said you spent like $300 per month. I spend 120EURO per month.

So despite the fact that my price per kWh is higher, I pay less ... and yes you already told me your house/flat is much bigger. Does not change the fact about our bills and that you likely waste a lot of energy.

My house is 353 sqm, how big is yours? The total bill doesn't matter nearly so much as the cost per sqm.

So I'm paying about 85 cents per sqm per month in power, on average. What is your per-sqm average?

And I'm not even taking into account that I work from home, thus use more power than the average person does anyway, since I'm here all day.

Regarding the standard of living, only the upper 5 or 10 percent of the americans have a comparable living standard of an average european.

Citation needed.

Comment Re:Seems he has more of a clue (Score 1) 703

The science is settled in as much as any scientific findings have to be in order to inform public policy.

I don't see anyone debating the speed of light, the mass of water, or a hundred other things...

There are a LOT of people, including a lot of SMART people, who aren't convinced of man made climate change.

Yes, there are plenty of smart people who ARE convinced, and that's fine.

Clearly you're convinced. I'm not, so convince me. If you don't think you have to, that is fine as well, but then don't be shocked when I don't come along with you on your journey of "change the world".

I'm not alone there either. You need to do more to convince me otherwise if you want my support.

Comment Re:Seems he has more of a clue (Score 1) 703

Those types of replies are why you get the same back in return.

Why don't you try and tell me how much we have to cut to undo that change, in what time period, and how much that will cost.

Pretend for a minute that everything is true and we're on a runway CO2 binge. Now what?

Will cutting 10% make any real difference to the outcome? Is it worth the money spent?

Saying "well anything we do helps" is nonsense, because if it doesn't make a real difference to the outcome, but crashes the economy in the process, then it was a stupid choice. Accepting the outcome and spending the money to adapt to it would make more sense.

It is quite possible that the time to make real changes passed 20 years ago and we're well past that point.

Kinda like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic 30 min after it hit the ice berg. Way, way past the point of mattering. Actually, in that case, getting people in the life boats "helps", but if the Carpathia had not come to their rescue, that wouldn't have mattered either, would it?

What I see and hear in the media is a whole lot of "well we should do SOMETHING", except sometimes you shouldn't do something... it is a bunch of waving arms without any real conversation.

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