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Comment A matter of perspective (Score 1) 566

You can blame Fox and BuzzFeed all you want. But the simple and ultimate fact is they are only giving the people what they want to see. If there wasn't a demand for it, Fox wouldn't be broadcasting it and BuzzFeed wouldn't be posting it. In America, "if it bleeds, it leads".

As far as TV news in general goes, there hasn't been a decent newscast in America since Walter Cronkite retired. And yes, I'm that damned old :(

Comment And here we go again (Score -1) 285

She did what she was accused of. She lied about it in a court room, to both a jury and a judge. She got caught in her lies. She got whacked for lying. And once again, all the fanbois come crying for her.

I'm saving my sympathy for someone who is innocent of what they were falsely accused of by the RIAA or MPAA. Not some dumb whore who was trying to game the system after she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Maybe her and Tenenbaum can start a new political party...they can call it the Itty Bitty Pity Party.

Comment Not one damned shred of sympathy (Score 1) 312

If he was innocent and had "fought the good fight", I would support Stupidbaum all I could. As it is, not only did he actually do what his accusers claimed, he lied about it in court. He got what he deserved. I bet next time he won't listen to relatives that obviously got their law degrees from a bubblegum machine.

One would think that geeks like those on Slashdot would support those unjustly prosecuted (and persecuted). Instead, they mostly back lying thieving guilty idiots like Stupidbaum and Jamie Dumbitch. And then the community cries and whines when the idiots get slammed by the court.

Comment Ron Paul is not a freedom fighter (Score 3, Insightful) 948

Its obvious from reading the comments on this story that a lot of you all think this means Ron Paul is in favor of a free and open internet, and has come out in favor of net neutrality. You all obviously don't know Ron Paul. For him, and his son, "internet freedom" means businesses on the internet are free to do as they please, capitalism rules, and net neutrality will die a quick death.

Comment I don't cry, but... (Score 1) 309

I give my old but still useable equipment that I no longer want to others who need it. I don't cry, but I do tend to tell it what a good piece of hardware its been while I pack it up, and ask it to not be mad at me for giving it away.

And sadly, no, this isn't a joke. And it probably is why I don't have a girlfriend.

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