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Comment Re:Desperation (Score 1) 69

The physics problem is a turbulent plasma. The mathematics to model it are nuts and not friendly to real time operation. You don't want to be inverting monster matrices in real time, for example. There has got to be better way. Oh yeah, there is, neural nets used as universal functions with training to predict and control the dynamics.

Comment Re:Possibly, but (Score 2) 69

Not exactly my field but I have some passing familiarity with it. This would not be GPT type AI, but use of neural nets in their universal function capacity. Seems like the right tool for the job, to tame the crazy dynamics of a plasma. The challenge of course is how to train it. For now, it seems they are taking a machine learning approach using only the primitive sensor data as input. It would probably be much better to use physical models of plasma as a base and let the networks improve the dynamics from there. But I admit, I am partially talking out my ass, since I have never tried this myself and am not really suitably equipped mathematically. If I were in school now though, training a neural net is definitely the way I would go. Then I would train another neural net to try to extract useful equations out of the first one, and train another net using those basic equations as primitives.

Comment Re:Uniparty in action (Score 3) 215

1. Assange was in Sweden when initially accused, voluntarily submitted himself to police and was told after interview by prosecutors that no charges would be filed, case closed and he could leave the country. So he returns to UK.

Gross distortion of the chronology. The rape investigation was re-opened on September 1, 2010, promptly after the complaint's lawyer requested a review of the prosecutor's decision to close it. Then on September 27 Assange skipped out of Sweden.

2. Swedish prosecutor Nye decides, for no sufficiently plausible and adequate reasons given, to re-open the closed case, accusing Assange of having fled the country (false) and attempts to get an International Arrest Warrant.

Again, a gross distortion of the facts. You don't know what arguments were presented to convince the Prosecution Development Centre to override the prosecutor's decision to close the case, but you do know that they were sufficient. Assange did in fact fee Sweden on September 27.

I suppose the rest of your screen is about as accurate as your first two lies.

Comment Re:ChromeOS Flex does not let you install drivers (Score 1) 73

Both bigdogs, RedHat and Canonical have mostly dropped support for home users.

Nonsense, or at least half nonsense. Redhat doesn't care about home users, true, but Canonical certainly does, and is currently the choice of roughly 27% of Linux desktop users. There are a few diehard Fedora desktop users out there, but straight up Debian (on which Ubuntu is based) is a far more popular choice.

Comment Re:Ok.... (Score 3, Insightful) 136

Oh, that's all, is it.

Yep, you're right 1 hour max /s.

Browsers are the most insecure attack surface of any aspect of modern computers. Apple's s/w is built using standard engineering decision-making - can we rely on X being there ? Why yes we can, so we can delegate this function to that system framework which we've tested is all secure.

Except that all breaks down when someone installs a 3rd party browser. Now the security model of the system depends on the security model of the installed browser, and that's just not acceptable. It may be the user's fault that they installed but you can guarantee that Apple will be holding the can at the end of any argument over why their nudes are now all over the internet.

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