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Comment Doesn't matter how you do it in the real world (Score 1) 320

The policies of the university prohibit that behavior. Taking someone else's code, striking their authorship and copyright statements is not the right thing to do, either in class or in the real world. Have I used code or snippets from others? Yes, but I usually include the URL where I got it from and/or retain the original author information while adding my own and I expect others that take my code to retain all previous statements when the made changes.

We all stand on the shoulders of giants.

Comment Re:Should be confidential/private (Score 1) 301

I see your point. It's still a tricky problem to solve for the largest number of cases while keeping the contents of the videos safe from both police and public tampering. The examples I've seen in the past were police interactions with the public that potentially has the public in the background for some reason, or tracking of citizens like tracking license plates. Police video + facial recognition = 0 security.

Comment Cautiously optimistic (Score 1) 242

I got HBO..well..mainly because Verizon gave it to me for free for a few months, but after watching Newsroom, John Oliver, and some of the other original programming they've done (From the Earth to the Moon, Band of Brothers), I think they could nail this. I mean, all of the talk about doing World War Z properly would be to make it a miniseries on HBO. Sure a TV show might need to change a few things but there's lots of opportunity for background stories to make this into a multi-season show.

Comment Re:Uh (Score 3, Interesting) 112

Netflix is doing the same thing that HBO/Showtime/Cinemax/Amazon Prime is doing. They all started off just licensing works from others. How do they stand out now that there's a lot of competition? By creating their own content that is only available from them. I'd say that a majority of the people that use Netflix do it to watch the non-unique programming, but when you know you can watch House of Cards or Alpha House it's an incentive to get the service.

Comment I was a hiring manager (Score 1) 574

We were somewhat specialized, doing HPC work at a Major East Coast University but lots of other Linux skills. Due to the size of our university, we paid fairly well but HPC is a relatively small market that really does require a wide skillset (we also offered web hosting, database hosting, application installs, etc.). I couldn't get much coaching from HR as they had no idea what we were doing, and IT management had no idea what we were doing either, so we just kept using the same basic job posting every time something came up. A few hires we never filled because we were way too picky (I'll admit that much), but others applying for jobs just seemed to be throwing their resumes around wherever they could and hoping that the collection of buzzwords in their resume matched the collection in the posting.
It didn't help that HR was run by a bunch of nitwits that outsourced the online HR process to a company that couldn't give you a nice URL to a specific job posting. You had to go to a site, enter the job code, then you could see it. Then you had to create an account and then upload your resume. How the people spewing resumes everywhere did it, I have no idea. But I'm sure we missed out on a lot of candidates because it was difficult to find the job, let alone apply for it.

Of the people I did hire, most were really good and worked out well. I made candidates meet with my team and other IT teams just to chat and see what they thought of each other, and they reciprocated and asked my team to interview their candidates.

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