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Comment Re:high intelligence (Score 2) 190

While intelligence is a vague term in itself there is something to be said for the written word, collaboration, education, proofs, and the extrapolated reasoning that comes from combining them all.

Comment Now explain this to those on the pokies machines (Score 1) 190

They might get a better understanding of themselves instead of thinking they're total scum.

I have a lot of trouble pointing out that obsessiveness is often mistaken for addiction these days. I think it's due to an attempt to assign a medical condition to those being irresponsible with their families and thereby able to bring the law to bare.

Aside from the fact that one can't be addicted to an activity it also is disrespectful to those that do suffer under addiction and, of course, misleading to the rest of us.

Comment Re:Unfriendly Elitists (Score 1) 372

I hate to admit it but I ran into similar irrational behaviour. I don't think it was an admin, just someone commandeering the group of related articles.

I put it more down to intentional abuse to control the bias for financial gain, ie: The individual was being paid to subvert Wikipedia.

Comment Inkjets are way cheap when buying bottled ink (Score 1) 381

I got myself a Brother A3 multifunction scanner/printer. Through away the factory cartridges, fitted some refillables ... top up with generic bottled ink. Loaded up the latest Linux driver for both functions and it's all sweet. I can burn through as much paper as I like now. Everything's cheap. :)

I wouldn't use it for photo printing but it's perfect for everything else. I'm forever printing diagrams, charts and datasheets. Using colour for everything is so much better than the old lasers at work.

PS: It does require a regular cleaning cycle on just the black for some reason. I read somewhere these model printers have a habit of getting air-locks. But it clears easy so no biggie.

Comment Re:Double time (Score 1) 68

"Everyone else" doesn't much care either way. I think you'll find it's just as few people that think it shouldn't be a moving target.

I don't see why leap seconds has ever been an issue. Date-stamping has always been a fickle mechanism that always shifts around according to whatever governments decide.

Metronomic sampling on the other hand doesn't give a shit about the calender and only cares about regular timing.

The two systems, sampling and date-stamping, should not be confused and the one should not dictate to the other. Both can and should be provided for side by side.

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