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Comment Re:When I was a young squirt (Score 4, Interesting) 314

I don't mean to one-up (ok, actually, I am), but my first computer was from Radio Shack as well. A TRS-80 (later, it would be called a Model I, but at the time it was the only model so didn't need a steenkin' model badge). 4 whole kilobytes of RAM. A tiny BASIC interpreter in-ROM which probably started life as someone's punched-tape baby. 300 baud I/O for highly unreliable audio cassette storage. A video monitor that started out life as a gutted-down RCA black-and-white TV. It's the reason I'm a SW/Systems Engineer instead of an Electrical Engineer.

I was in a local Radio Shack late last year. There was virtually nothing there for me. I guess some of the Arduino toys were cool, but for my degree of urgency I'd be far better off shopping online. And their consumer electronics stopped being interesting sometime shortly after the 1980s.

A little sad, a little nostalgic, but the same way as discovering the ol' neighborhood has changed so much and all the landmarks you remember are gone. If they bulldozed the whole thing, it wouldn't be much different.

Comment Re:Oh it gets better (Score 3, Insightful) 490

Yeah, because everyone with a fucking grievance grabs an AK-47 and shoots up a magazine don't they love?

Just what the hell does it take to knock some common sense into these bloody liberals??

Irony: right-wingers complaining about left-wingers painting them as violent lunatics and then threatening them with violence.

Of course, in the interest of literal correctness, you didn't threaten to shoot them up with an AK-47. So it's grazing irony, not center-of-mass double-tap irony.

Comment Editorial (HAH!) Heads-Up (Score 5, Insightful) 163

2nd link in TFS ("use of a fake Google SSL certificates as a means of throttling video") is a self-starting video at PCMag. Because, I guess, we at Slashdot can no longer read for ourselves and must be read to (after the advertising plays).

It used to be customary to warn people of objectionable formats and maybe link to non-crap sources. Kthxbye.

Comment I don't see how this could possibly happen (Score 1) 91

"The Bill includes defences that reverse the onus of proof which limit the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty"

How could this be? This would be completely counter to one of the most fundamental and commonly-stated protected in any civilized nation's bill of basic rights.

Oh, wait, I see the problem.

Exceptions in Western democracies

Australia is the only Western democratic country with neither a constitutional nor federal legislative bill of rights to protect its citizens, although there is ongoing debate in many of Australia's states.

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