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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 182

This just in: Satoshi Nakamoto, the famous Japanese man, was recently discovered to have changed his name from Momomoto, and can thus swallow his own nose.

Ridiculous, incredible, too far gone to ever be believed.

In other news, Leah McGrath Goodman is actually a cabbage.

OK, this I could believe.

Comment Powerpoint was the wrong tool for this all along (Score 5, Insightful) 181

The bullet-point presentation was always about presenting evidence and alternatives for an executable decision. Classically, in a hierarchical organization where the receipients of the presentation are the functional leadership who are empowered to make and enforce operational decisions but expect their minions to gather "decision-grade information" and present it in a minimal-overhead, maximal-efficiency format.

It was never about collaboration or exploration. It gets used like that, but it's a terrible fit. It was never intended to encourage discussion. A well-crafted slide deck ends all conversation because all the facts are in. If the leader has to ask questions, or another participant questions your facts or your conclusion, your presentation was sub-optimal.

A bullet-point presentation is supposed to be the shortest path to an incontrovertible and non-debatable decision.

Comment Re:Smooth move, judge (Score 1) 519

In that case, they're still not nude... because "upskirt" pretty much requires the presence of a skirt. And if you're wearing a skirt, you're not nude.

I gotta wonder about the meaning of "partially nude", though. Unless you're completely burqa'd up, you're showing SOME naked flesh. Why isn't that partially nude? Or does "partially nude" mean "we know it when we see it"?

I hate stupid subjective ambiguous laws.

Comment Re:Just don't use the employer's Internet (Score 1) 572

Other than the high likelihood that you're either an anonymous troll or an ignorant blowhard (or both), you need to explain why the Constitution has one damn thing to do with this.

Or did you sleep through the part of Civics class where they discussed the Contitution's protection of rights extends to limiting the actions of government... and absolutely no further. Private action (such as a non-governmental employer) are not in any fashion constrained by the basic protections of the Constitution. Laws, almost certainly. But since you named the Constitution explicitly, you need to be called on it explicitly.

Comment Re:Necessary sometimes (Score 1) 572

System logging records the plung and unplug actions.

The mere fact you plugged something in without authorization of IT puts you on the investigation list.

That's assuming the USB sockets aren't disabled in software and sealed with epoxy. Except the keyboard and mouse, which are epoxied in place.

I'm not making this up.

Comment Re:Finishing the demo (Score 2) 144

If we wanted a Doom analogy for TFA situation, I'd argue it'd be like you can get full DOOM for free, but you have to buy ammo for any weapon above the normal shotgun from the publisher. Say, 50 cents for 150 minigun bullets or 100 plasma rounds or 2 BFG shots or a few rockets.

Which would suck super, considering how many rockets I had to fire to kill the cyberdemon at the end if Ep 2.

Dammit. Now I'm going to have to find, dust off, and install my Doom collection CD.

Comment Re:I'm not suprised. (Score 1) 144

I was going to mock you, until I remembered the reason I have 11 characters in World of Warcraft is mutual support in gathering, crafting, and World of Pokemon. Not because all 11 characters are equally fun, interesting, or enjoyable to play in the main content of the game. "Trade alts", they're called in the parlance. (The presence of a standard name for the phenomenon says everything that needs to be said about its prevalence.)

So, yeah. It's a pretty common effect. OTOH, I only pay the basic subscription for the account, and WoW doesn't have any Pay-to-win type of purchases, so it's a bit different than the subject of TFA. (Paradoxically, I'd probably quit if WoW became free-to-play, but limited until you paid. Don't know why, since objectively it probably wouldn't be much different that straight-up pay-to-play.)

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