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Comment Re:I think they mean.... (Score 3, Interesting) 206

This has been my proposal for a while now. It would solve, or at least provide choice in "Net Neutrality" issues, like that of Comcast v Netflix.

The problem is that nobody really wants to tackle the FIOS rollout that would be needed to make this work. However, I do believe it would work, and a small municipality, one that is geographically isolated, would be a great case study in how it would work.

The thing I believe most about this scenario is that we'll start to see new products and new services that are currently missing like "a la carte" ordering.

Comment Re:This one will be easier (Score 2) 129

And now they don't make phones.

But they do make a high-end Android tablet, and an unique Android launcher. Maybe this does not sound like much, but it is widely speculated that they will make Android phones in 2016. They are just waiting for the non-compete clause of their deal with the devil to run out.

And it would be a wise move, I believe. The Nokia brand is still incredibly strong in developing countries; it was only Windows Phone that poisoned their sales.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 2) 387

Here's something I remember about OS/2. I had not actually used it back then, but I recall reading about how awesome it was, how it was much more advanced and reliable than Windows, and so on. But then I saw that IBM was selling PCs with Windows. Well, fuck: if even IBM would not throw their weight behind their own operating system, why would anyone support it?

Comment Re:Rich Family Dies, World At Peril!!! (Score 2) 184

I am not sure I understand what your point is. Are you saying the sole cause of poverty in the black community is because they name their kids Darnell and Jamal?

Or are you simply justifying bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior?

My point is, people like you are the closet racist that you think everyone else is, simply because you keep telling black people that they can't make it without white help (and a huge dose of white guilt). The fact is, that kind of racist attitude is exactly where a large chunk of the problem is.

When you actually see the racist remarks by liberals when a black person succeeds (see Ben Carson), then you'll understand the problem is Racism, it just isn't the kind you're expecting to see. 50 years of white guild progressive policies have decimated the black community.

Comment Re:Rich Family Dies, World At Peril!!! (Score 1) 184

You're not looking at the cause of poverty here, just blaming it. You're also not mentioning a culture of hatred against getting educated, where people are so distrustful of the system that anyone wanting to better themselves to escape are culturally shamed (uncle tom, race traitor) into remaining ignorant. Where people care more about Queen B and Jay Z than math and science.

The worst part, are the real racists who EXCUSE bad behavior as if it is part of the racial makeup of blacks.

I am not dismissing the racism in the country, it exists. But using that as an excuse so that you do not even have to try is the real racism. I actually believe black people can be so much better than liberal democrats and the Race Pimps Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are suggesting they can. After all, Ben Carson, Oprah, and Barack Obama are proof that blacks CAN succeed, and that America isn't as racist as some suggest.

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