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Comment Frankly Code, no one gives a damn. (Score 3, Insightful) 225

What you are doing is perfectly legal, has been for years. The plans to build all sorts of guns have been out for ages. The government really doesn't care because making a gun is perfectly legal. Calling it "hosting politically incendiary content" isn't going to make it so. It isn't going to be the Big Bad Government that is going to take you down either, it is the wife of the guy that has one of your designs blow up in his face that is going to soak up every dime you are worth. Go ask Paladin Press how it works, I am sure they will give you an ear full.

Comment Re:Local officials will sell everybody out (Score 1) 250

Please explain why a school needs a Principal, 2 or 3 vice principals, a disciplinary administrator or 2, a staff of 5 to 10 emotional counselors/therapists, 5 to 10 career counselors, multiple secretaries for the administration to support the bureaucracy and on and on.

I used to think like you to an extent, then I actually went looking for answers. Trust me, that is a skeleton crew. Between, public/community//state/federal standards/mandates/reporting I am continually shocked they get as much done as they do. Look at it this way. Take any company with as many workers as your local school has students (the parents and community are the customers), anything close to the same budget, and overall responsibility to thieir customers and see if they have as many managers. Chances are they have many many more. If you want a hand crafted product, it is going to take incredible attention to detail, that costs time, people and money.

Add in things like the competition for having the best sports equipment and fields and the need to acquire the shiniest new gadgetry and it becomes hard to say schools are under funded and not just poorly managed. Cut all that other crap and if the school is still short on money then come talk to me until then figure out how to manage my tax dollars properly.

Few people that participated in HS sports would tell you it was a bad investment years later. As for tech, if you want cake you are going to have to break some eggs. As for 'your' tax dollars, I guess more people decided that their tax dollars were well spent on these things. Welcome to democracy.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 851

Oh do tell, what other mandatory medical procedures that have no proven efficacy in the situation do you want to support? Colonoscopes for 10 year olds? After all there are recorded cases.... Pre-emptive Gall Bladder removal? Cheaper and safer to do when you are not ill after all.

"One must raise the question of whether anyone has the right to risk getting an illness themselves." Did you support the NY drink ban? How about we make fatty food illegal? How about we add just plain injury to that? Motorcycles, gone. Extreme Sports, gone. Cars, gone.

"Is there any good reason?" How about Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness any damn way I want without your boot on my neck? Any who gives a crap why they refused? Does your opinion change if they are deathly afraid of needles or seeing their own blood?

"there is no evidence showing that vaccinated workers are less likely to transmit virus

should also be considered as

there is no evidence showing that vaccinated workers are more likely to transmit virus"

So you advocate the mandatory use of medicine that shows no efficacy. That puts you right in league with Authoritarian Homeopaths, what great company you keep.

Comment Re:Books (Score 1) 465

<blockquote>Here's one thing that you neglected to mention about e-books: They cost almost nothing to publish. It means a lot of rubbish makes it through, but a lot more good authors will get published. With paper books, I guarantee, that over the past hundred years millions of manuscripts became forgotten, because of the printing costs.</blockquote>

And here is a thing about that that you gloss over, the sheer amount of rubbish. The signal to nose ratio will increase a hundredfold and the few good authors we get out of it won't be worth the amount of garbage people have to wade through to find it. those millions of unpublished you refer to? Sure it might have been cost to prin, after all who would pay money to publish total schlock writing.

Comment Re:This is news? (Score 1) 684

Creationism is the belief (regardless of source) that humans were created by a super-being 6000 years ago, despite insurmountable evidence humanity is far older.

There are at least three things wrong in that sentence. Perhaps you should apply your analytic skills before you type and especially before you create your own set of beliefs.

Comment Re:Union Programmers (Score 1) 761

"Unions have no place for the programming industry.. except in government where we expect cost overruns and shoddy results. "

Yeah, look at what a cluster fuck Duke Nukem Forever was. Rotten Government garbage programmers. And the Flight Sim tucked inside your governement spread sheet software, more lazy Governemnt turds. Diablo 3, do I need to go on? If you really think software cost overruns and shoddy results are the halmark of governemt you need to dig a little deeper.

Comment Re:Unions are archaic (Score 1) 761

They kept child labor in the mines but made more money for the children's parents and for the union bosses.


"Unions Helped End Child Labor: “Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined” in U.S. history, with organization’s like the “National Consumers’ League” and the National Child Labor Committee” working together in the early 20th century to ban child labor. The very first American Federation of Labor (AFL) national convention passed “a resolution calling on states to ban children under 14 from all gainful employment” in 1881, and soon after states across the country adopted similar recommendations, leading up to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act which regulated child labor on the federal level for the first time."

Sorry, jill. Stop with the internet, Go read a book.

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