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Comment Re:If the Grand Ayatollah's against it.... (Score 1) 542

Stupid opinions based on violent fairy tale books, at that.

If the geek were honest about the thing, he would that he has built his own language and culture from bits and pieces scavenged from pop cultural icons like Star Trek --- whose stories were in turn drawn from familiar sacred and secular texts, myths, legends, and fairy tales,

Comment Re:Stop being so impatient.... (Score 1) 289

The same reason worlds fair showed tech that will be coming out in 5-10 years. Its' fun, it's cool. It also show they are thinking long term and not quarterly

GM's "Futurama" of 1939 looked to the world of 1960.

Futurama is widely held to have first introduced the general American public to the concept of a network of expressways connecting the nation.

Bel Geddes assumed that the automobile would be the same type of carrier and still the most common means of transportation in 1960, albeit with increased vehicle use and traffic lanes also capable of much higher speeds.

To meet these assumptions, four general ideas for improvement were incorporated into the exhibition showcase.

First, that each section of road be designed to receive greater capacity of traffic. Second, that traffic moving in one direction could be in complete isolation to traffic moving in any other. Third, segregating traffic by subdividing towns and cities into certain units that restrict traffic and allow pedestrians to predominate. And fourth, consequent traffic control for predetermined maximum and minimum speeds.

Through this, the exhibition was designed to inspire greater public enthusiasm and support for the constructive work and planning by engineers and public officials who had contributed so much toward improvement of streets and highways.

Futurama (New York World's Fair)

For 30 years the Burma-Shave signs delivered about 30 seconds of entertainment with no significant changes in the size of the signs or their spacing. That says volumes about the enormous investment in infrastructure that Bel Geddes was proposing and the political will needed to make it happen,

Comment Re:Time Delay (Score 2) 108

A sufficient time delay before the information becomes public would solve most or all of the problem with compromising investigations.

How do you define "sufficient time" in any meaningful way?

Real-lie criminal investigations are not wrapped up in the sixty minutes or so they are allotted on a TV show like CSI or Criminal Minds.

The stakes can be high, quite literally, life and death.

Comment Animal House. (Score 3, Informative) 579

I thought it might be - well, let us say, instructive - to simply re-post some of the choicer responses to this story, all modded up to +4 or +5.

Because the "social justice warriors" tell you it must be. And if they don't get their way, they'll whine, cry, and call it rape.

Men in general seem to have less tolerance for what they perceive as error and a greater willingness to fight to correct error.

Man? Have you ever dated?? Women are the single most argumentative, must be right, cant change their minds, NEEDS AN APOLOGY EVEN WHEN PROVEN WRONG group out their.

the big problem on Wikipedia is that most edit hurt feelings, especially when you write a lengthy article about your favourite celebrity and someone come behind you and rape all your work with facts. Such senseless rigour are symptom of the patriarchy.

Comment Re:Never useful info given with patches (Score 1) 140

What pisses me off as a consumer is that Microsoft patches never come with any kind of useful information.

"This patch makes Windows 8 a little more stable." states its purpose clearly and simply.

The link to the KB --- which is always there --- implies a deeper understanding of the OS than most users are likely to have or need.

It won't make their decision to install the patch any easier.

Comment WTF were you thinking? (Score 1) 506

In a decade or so, cars will likely be able to drive with no people on board, or even transport children with no adult in the car.

The driverless car is not a chauffer or an nanny.

It knows only that it has arrived at its pre-programed destination. It doesn't know whether that destination was entered correctly. It doesn't know whether that destination is currently a safe place to drop off your kids.

Comment The casebook method. (Score 2) 22

Which includes a discussion of whether and when the term "intellectual property" is a dangerous misnomer

The casebook is meant to illustrate how judicial thinking and case law has evolved over time.

It doesn't editorialize.

A typical example in the law of contracts is Hadley v Baxendale (1854).
Textbooks for students earning non-legal degrees concisely state the famous rules announced in that case that

(1) consequential damages are limited to those foreseen by the parties at the time of contracting, implying that
(2) a party must notify the other up front of its specific needs in order to expand what is mutually foreseeable and thereby recover consequential damages if the other breaches.

Thus stated, Hadley seems simple enough, but a casebook for a law school course will not say that. Rather, the law student must deduce those principles from the text of the Court of Exchequer's slightly archaic mid-19th-century decision.

This teaching method differs in two ways from the teaching methods used in most other academic programs:

(1) it requires students to work almost exclusively with primary source material which is often written in obscure or obsolete language; and
(2) a typical American law school class is supposed to be a dialogue about the meaning of a case, not a straightforward lecture.

Casebook method

When the casebook becomes the lecture. it is not doing its job.

Comment This isn't a sharing economy. (Score 4, Informative) 182

The so-called sharing economy seems just as cutthroat --- if not more so --- than any other industry out there.

The geek's definition of "sharing" has always been --- flexible.

Taxi services were cutthroat in the old days. Fleecing their customers and constantly at war with each other. That is why they came under regulation.

Comment Re:Horseless cars must accept horse harness (Score 1) 506

So that real horses can take "immediate physical traction" of the vehicle if necessary.

You have no idea how punishing the roads were in the early days of the automobile, how often cars broke down or became hopelessly mired in mud or snow. In rural states, the horse was still in the towing business as late as 1940.

Comment The myths of Alexandria (Score 3, Informative) 158

It actually started with the burning of the great library of Alexandria and the murder of Hypathia at the start of an era we call the Dark Ages when Christianity was born.

Although there is a mythology of the burning of the Library at Alexandria, the library may have suffered several fires or acts of destruction over many years. Possible occasions for the partial or complete destruction of the Library of Alexandria include a fire set by Julius Caesar in 48 BC, an attack by Aurelian in the A.D. 270s, the decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus in A.D. 391, and the decree of the second caliph Omar ibn Al-khattab in A.D. 640.

It's contents were largely lost during the taking of the city by the Emperor Aurelian (A.D. 270-275), who was suppressing a revolt by Queen Zenobia of Palmyra. During the course of the fighting, the areas of the city in which the main library was located were damaged. Some sources claim that the smaller library located at the Serapeum survived, though Ammianus Marcellinus wrote of the library in the Serapeum temple as a thing of the past, destroyed when Caesar sacked Alexandria.

Library of Alexandria

According to the only contemporary source, Hypatia was murdered [370 AD] by a Christian mob after being accused of exacerbating a conflict between two prominent figures in Alexandria: the governor Orestes and the Bishop of Alexandria. Kathleen Wider proposes that the murder of Hypatia marked the end of Classical antiquity, and Stephen Greenblatt observes that her murder "effectively marked the downfall of Alexandrian intellectual life". On the other hand, Maria Dzielska and Christian Wildberg note that Hellenistic philosophy continued to flourish in the 5th and 6th centuries, and perhaps until the age of Justinian.


Comment Re:I thought it was bad (Score 1) 120

I thought Bioshock was bad when they made a game that you literally could not lose at. It was impossible to die or fail.

It worked out quite well for Ron Gilbert and Monkey Island in 1990.

The pleasures to be found in playing a game like The Dig or Grim Fandango lie in exploring the worlds their authors create.

If you begin with something as richly imagined as Rapture or the airship city Columbia the mistake is trying to shoehorn the game into the narrow confines of a first person shooter,

Comment Re: The world we live in. (Score 3, Informative) 595

if all rapes were reported, we may well see that men rape women no more often than women rape men

I don't think that is in any way very likely.

According to a 2010 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in theed States have been raped. The actual number is likely higher, experts say, as incidents of sexual violence are severely underreported in the United States -- particularly among male victims.

Against his will: Female-on-male rape

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