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Comment Re:I've got this (Score 1) 400

It will be used as such whether the public sees it or not. Better for them to see it. The media already censors and op-eds too much as it is. Dont' justify their behavior just because you believe it might slow powergrabs by a corrupt government. Media that tells the truth without reservation is the only media the public can trust.

The reason the public might think that is because they've been mislead about terror all along. It's a threat alright but not the threat we've been told justifies the powergrabs... If it was, we'd've declared war by now.

Comment Re:I've got this (Score 0) 400

False equivalence.. Showing occasional footage is not equal to 'turning yourself into isil's publicity arm.'

Well, when you have a culture that encourages censorious attitudes like that, you end up with a society that refuses to acknowledge reality whenever it's unpleasant. That is never healthy. I think the media shoudl show more of the horrific stuff of war. The cleansed, sanitized, politically correct, jingoistic heroism (or, depending on the politics of the outlet, criticism), is NOT the reality of war. It's impossible to have a free society without free flow of information to make informed policy, and I'd rather not live the alternative, even if it means the weak minded omg the children sorts might have to toughen up a bit.

So while it is the right of the owner to decide what is said with his resources, I still think they should be encouraged to support free speech. I mean encouraged, not forced.

Comment Re:Advantages of XFCE? (Score 1) 193

Because there are those of us who'd rather use our ram for work rather than for a heavy yet inflexible UI that doesn't do much but does it splendidly. There's no reason for a typical UI to take that much ram, that's why. Same goes for cpu and gpu.

Comment Re:Why not websites? (Score 1) 140

Oh believe me I've seen quite a bit thank you. Lots of wasted white space, huge fonts, useless menus, pop overs, useless animations, abusive ads, fixed sized window requirements (no I don't want to run my browser full screen just so your site looks right), ugly drop shadows, pointless bevels, ugly borders that waste more space, sluggish performance even on quad core intel cpus, all housing limited functioning freemium garbage. Of course that doesn't hold a candle to the seemingly entitled attitude of the web 'designers' who built all of this. They think they have a right to dictate what code runs on my machine, and how their shit is displayed on my screen. Why would I use any of their shit for my work? Their code was written to serve their interests, not mine.

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