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Comment Re:Getting trolled (Score 1) 716

No, but she did libel a whole shitload of people and then label the criticism she got for it as 'proof' of her victimhood. Shitheads like her deserve all the trolling they get.

trolling is not a credible death threat.. If she truly thought they were real, she wouldn't be blathering about it online because the fbi would've told her to keep quiet about it while they investigated. Like sarkeesian, she's after money.

Comment Re:Getting trolled (Score 1) 716

Wow, so many lamers these days. People need to realize that shit said online is not to be taken seriously. Most of the real motive behind the extreme reactions by authority and so-called 'victims' of this is just retributive power grabbing. Then there are those who were smart enough to use this easily-spun-up dynamic to garner attention and privilege (money eg: anita sarkeesian) by saying stupid, inflammatory shit about a PC subject and then crying victim when they're hit with backlash targeting their sensitive sensibilities. This is hardly complex. Children master this on the playground. Why are adults suddenly taking this seriously? I swear society is regressing to the level of a screaming toddler that isn't getting its way.

In this particular case, crybabies cryin' about rape everywhere will draw relevant 'threats' from people who are looking to troll them back. Wu shouldn't dish it if she can't even comprehend that these threats are as full of shit as her own accusations.. Of course, she probably does know this perfectly well.

Comment Re:Getting trolled (Score 1) 716

She indeed brought it on herself. Generalizing and stereotyping a whole community (incorrectly I might add) and then labeling the criticism she gets as bigotry is about as hypocritical as it gets. If she can't handle the heat, she should stop and eventually people will forget about her. Of course that requires her to lose all that e-attention, and she can't be having that. She is not a victim of anything but her own self serving bullshit.

Using the law to argue morals is fallacious. It is/was also illegal for gays to marry, so I guess they shouldn't marry, right?

Comment Re:Lucky for Democrats (Score 1) 165

That's pretty subjective. From an American point of view, Europeans only have the choice between socialist, socialist, socialist, and a tiny bit less socialist, with some different locality-driven issues thrown in for each. ..and before you tell me I know jack about your specific country, it's also likely you know jack about the USA.

The term 'liberal' has been so thoroughly abused at this point that it's meaningless even with a ton of prefixes and suffixes. It used to mean someone who stands for individual liberty, rights, and freedom. Now it stands for someone who wants a big state that tosses out a few scraps of those things for specific kinds of people at the expense of the rest.

Comment They can offer as much as they want (Score 1) 145

Without privacy and/or enforcement of constitutional rights, the storage is worthless. As far as business goes, what happens if data or connectivity is lost during business hours? The potential for information being stolen by governments and private entities is just too great to use such storage services for anything important. Those public SANs are massive 'hack me please' and no-such-letter targets.

If employees need 'unlimited' much storage to do their jobs, then a local san is the most economical option for reasonable performance. Even if employees generate a few hundred to several gigabytes of office documents in their entire careers, local backups with optional offsite/offline media storage service are still more than sufficient. For private/individual use, a crypted disk (or two or three) in a safety deposit box backing up multiple onsite/offline backups works best.

Comment Re:Boys are naturally curious... (Score 1) 608

the issue has to be solved at elementary school or earlier because that is where the problem exists.

not at the expense of boys, which is what the current feminist 'solution' is doing. Men and women are not as interchangeable as these social(ist) engineers want to believe. They're making life miserable for both sexes. There was a recent study talked about in the media how women are actually less happy after feminism than before it.

Comment Re:Boys are naturally curious... (Score 4, Interesting) 608

You mean feminist peer reviewed data gotten from skewered studies? The only institutions involved here are already heavily influenced by feminists. I hardly call that science. Would you buy anything taken from a book called "The Faith and Science Reader"? Probably not. There actually is a book called "The Gender and Science Reader" which provides a "comprehensive feminist analysis of the nature and practice of science." They cherry pick facts that fit their ideological precepts and then mix it in with their bullshit. There's a phrase for this: science fiction.

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