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User Journal

Journal Journal: Secrets of the Universe (Or Why E = mc^2) 6

Every wonder why E = mc^2? It has always bugged me why it was so . Hardly any college introductory physics courses go into why. In fact, hardly any college courses derive the formula and just assume it is correct. I hardly ever accept anything on face value: I like running experiments, confirming observations, compiling source code, and deriving formulas. By doing so, I get a better understanding of the stuff I use. Th

User Journal

Journal Journal: Juvenile cerebellar astrocytoma (repost for posterity)

I am not a doctor. Cerebellar astrocytoma is a form of intracranial cancer which involves brain cells call astrocytes. It is the third most common type of cancer in juveniles. There are four grades of increasing severity defined by the World Health Organization. Juvenile cerebellar astrocytoma rarely leave the cerebellum. It is a section of the brain located near the brainstem and below the occipital lobe. The cerebellum helps direct balance, attention, and complex motor co

User Journal

Journal Journal: Juvenile fun 7

I don't like memes and chain letters, but this sounds cool in a juvenile way. I'm feeling juvenile and silly tonight, so reply and... I'll respond with something random about you. (source)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Howto: lose twenty pounds the wrong way 7

As of today I am 179.5 pounds - exactly twenty pounds less than I was two months ago! Yes, I was getting quite fat and I still have a lot to lose. However, I feel great and am finally down a weight class for the tourney. Realistically a target of 175 is required to improve my speed (less dead weight to carry around), but I'll try for 169 if I can. How did I do it?

Journal Journal: Drunk with Power. 12

/. loves me! In the last three months, I have recieved moderation powers about 14 times. In the last three weeks, about seven times. In the last week, three times. In fact I used up my moderation points this morning and recieved five more this evening! As my power grows so does my ego.

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"The most important thing in a man is not what he knows, but what he is." -- Narciso Yepes
