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Comment Re:Quality Vs. Quantity (Score 1) 161

____What no one in any school ever told me was that I was the captain of my own fate. We all are.___


Self-schooling, self-empowerment, was a concept not even mentioned until the 4th year of college (and that was only because I complained that a course listed in the catalog had never actually been offered.) No other single idea for educational change is more important than this one.

Comment Re:college bound HS needs shop! (Score 1) 161

Tracking need not consist of excluding smart people from shop classes. My Jr. High School had 9 different levels in each grade, the primary difference being the difficulty and speed of the academic courses (math, English, science, history). Failure to track means boring and hindering the smart kids, and frustrating the dummies who can't understand what the teaching is rambling on about.

Comment Re:We need to change the order of topic presentati (Score 2) 161

Individuals are ... individual. Some people can and should be introduced to mathematics quite early. Math is the foundation of science and engineering, and one effective method for crippling a nation's technological future is withholding math from the young.

I would argue that there is no "too young" to promote numerical understanding for anyone. Understanding numbers is essential to understanding the world, and the sooner that understanding starts, the better.

Piaget responded to criticism by acknowledging that the vast majority of critics did not understand the outcomes he wished to obtain from his research (wikipedia). If that doesn't indicate a "the facts be damned" sort of dishonesty, I don't know what does.

Comment Re:Many DDR3 modules? (Score 2) 138

So, other than fixing the dram design, the solution is to refresh more frequently. A software fix might be a high priority background program that forces a full refresh at regular intervals (probably a big performance hit). If the CPU does its own dram control, there might be a register that affects refresh rate, or perhaps a microcode fix.

The problem is analog in nature, which suggests that optimized and very clean supply voltages, and very clean and precisely timed control signals might reduce or eliminate the problem.

In any case, this means that manufacturers need to fix their designs and test them more thoroughly.

Comment Re:Bar joke (Score 1) 83

If Obama is not a native-born citizen (at least one US parent or born in US) and he's not naturalized or here on a valid visa, then he's an illegal alien. I've never even heard a suggestion that he's naturalized or here on a visa.

Given that it was YEARS from the time his citizenship was first challenged until valid-looking papers were provided, there's good reason to believe those papers are forgeries.

I'm making no claims with regard to whether he is legally qualified to be president, I'm just pointing out that it looks suspicious.

Comment Re:Floating Sovereign Nation (Score 1) 441

With his libertarian-no regulation ideas, no doubt his floating nation will simply discharge raw sewage directly into the ocean.

There are 2 answers to this. One is, it won't happen because no multi-millionaire wants to live in the middle of a sewer. The other is, if he's far enough off shore, so what? Who's hurt? It might even encourage beneficial ocean life.

Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 1) 441

If you're rich, you can buy the services of a chemist to manufacture HGH, or buy the services of a chemical engineer to build a machine that produces HGH. Or you can sail your yacht to a place where it's legal, and hide it onboard. Or buy it on the black market. Or create a company that legitimately manufactures the stuff, and siphon off some of it for personal use. Or get some from a buddy who owns a plant that manufactures it. Or slip your doctor a few extra large greenbacks. Or if you're really smart and persistent, learn how to make it yourself.

Why the hell do you care? How is he hurting you?

Comment Re:Won't work (Score 2) 441

A nation implies a government with standing at the UN plus a military.

Sorry, just wrong. There's nothing about being a nation that requires that the UN recognize it. And one of the Central American or northern South American countries has no military, just a police force. Apparently, its neighbors aren't evil enough to consider it worth invading.

Comment Re:Running? (Score 2) 441

Welfare: inefficient government-run money stealing program that discourages the creation of goods.

Building codes: Are you aware that in one of Boston's tonier regions, vinyl window frames are illegal? Residents must use wood. Not all aspects of building codes are good.

Minimum wage: If you're 5 years old and want to buy a comic book, you probably can't do anything that anyone is willing to pay you minimum wage for. But you might find a neighbor willing to pay you $2 an hour to pull weeds from a garden, and you might even be worth that much. Why deny the child the ability to earn a comic book? Why deny him the training that may help him to be more successful later in life?
It's also well established that the effect of minimum wages in the United States especially hurts young Negros. Minimum wage laws are racist.

Weapons: weapons laws in the U.S. are capricious at best. Limitations of the caliber and firing mechanisms on firearms are silly. Laws on garrottes, brass knuckles, and knives vary by state and in some cases by city.

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