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Comment Augmented Reality (Score 1) 111

This seems to be a perfect technology for augmented reality applications. One of the problems of interacting with avatars in a augmented reality space is that you can't have any actual physical contact, only audio & visual. This could provide that next layer of interaction that could make the experience something unique. Yeah I know many are thinking of finding significant others (or AI significant others) for something like this. However even beyond that this type of technology is exactly what the AR industry needs. If I'm having a meeting with someone on the other side of the globe a glove version of this could allow for a simple hand shake. That might not seem that important but as human animals we rely a great deal on physical interactions. Being an IT person that spends a great deal of time sitting in front of a screen it seems paramount that someday we detach ourselves from the current computer interaction model (keyboard, mouse, screen). I'm very curious to see the results of the study. Nice work, hope to see it in use!

Comment Had a negative post removed (Score 1) 202

I had a terrible experience with a restaurant. I posted my story on Yelp and it disappeared. I contacted Yelp several times to find the reason they had taken my post down. Yelp claims they will contact you before they take your post down and if not you can contact them. Still I never heard back from them. I posted it again and it immediately disappeared. I don't use Yelp anymore and find their black box approach disingenuous.

Comment Re:Childish (Score 1) 550

Hum... In regards to the analogy of rape to negotiations on weapons proliferation: There is something missing with this statement and much of the conversation around it. Is this a useful analogy? Does it really speak to any critical point of space based weapons proliferation? Why not just actually speak to the issue at hand? The linking of these two subjects does not seem obvious to me. As well I feel like you are taking the experience of rape victims as your own in order to attack a political figure. I find that manipulative and disrespectful.

Submission + - Karl Rove's IT mastermind dies (nytimes.com)

end15 writes: "On Friday Mike Connell, Karl Roves IT advisor died in a small plane crash. He has been linked to voter fraud in 2000, 2004, and White House missing emails. Whether or not this is a crime, it is very convenient for the Bush administration.

From the article:
"A tipster close to the McCain campaign disclosed to VR in July that Mr. Connell's life was in jeopardy and that Karl Rove had threatened him and his wife, Heather."


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