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Comment Re:Get Some Priorities! (Score 1) 107

I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but this post really hits home so I just have to respond.

During the week I'm a network engineer for a large phone system vendor in Manhattan that has hundreds of big customers relying on those data centers to be up. During this weekend I'm at my families house on Staten Island so I can volunteer and help hurricane victims and their families (which includes members of my family.) So this is news that actually matters to me.

So please, fuck off and die in a fire.

Comment Am I mising something? (Score 2) 180

Can't you just as easily call a car service? I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan. I never take a yellow cab anywhere in Manhattan, I always ride the subway (or drive if I need a car for work.) If I'm in Brooklyn and I'm feeling lazy or just tired I call a car service. The other option would be to allow this app to contact a car service for you. Why does it need to hail a yellow cab?

Comment Re:Verizon is #1 in dropped calls (Score 1) 375

Not only the simultaneous connections (due to orthogonal signaling) but also due to its longer range and higher capacity in general. GSM being TDMA has a strict limit of 20 per tower and bandwidth usage is far less efficient.

Haha, what are you smoking? TDMA is a method of communication, just like HTTP is a communication method (albeit a higher layer), and has nothing to do with speed.


Comment Re:Shocking... (Score 1) 181

18-25 year olds don't think bad things could happen to them.

On the bright side an 18-25 year old probably doesn't have much worth stealing.

If they're in I.T. then they probably still have their virginity. You could steal that.

Like the previous post said, not much worth stealing...

Comment Re:Wrong target (Score 1) 111

This post exactly. It's not that a hot dog with ketchup and fries is a perfect pairing of food, it's just what you might be used to growing up so eating one is often attributed to the other. I don't think tacos and Pepsi are a perfect pairing but whenever I go to Taco Bell I want Pepsi with my meal. I never noticed this till I stopped drinking soda, the meal tastes odd without the Pepsi because that's what I used to drink every time I went.

Comment Wow, this is odd... (Score 1) 100

I work in NYC and it the walk to and from my office off the subway can smell very very awful on days where its hot and there was just a garbage pickup. All I could think was "Why isn't there a better method of collecting trash in the city other than leave it outside to rot till someone picks it up." There arent even trash cans to hold the bags, so all the "garbage juice" collects on the sidewalk and reaks. I couldn't really think of any good easy to implement and maintain methods (and this certainly doesn't sound easy) but I'm impressed someone actually came up with and implemented this system.

Comment Re:Pepper-spraying sitting protesters (Score 1) 299

That would put the police in danger, getting in that close while you're surrounded by people who may or may not want to hurt you. The police are trained to avoid putting themselves in that sort of situation. Plus the amount of physical force required to pry them apart might have sent people to the hospital with real injuries (bruises mostly but more than "owie my eyes sting".) There were two people sent to the hospital treated and released, I'd be willing to bet that they had absolutely no need to go to the hospital. They likely only went because they know if they go and ham it up, claim brutality and can fake some injuries well enough they can sue the police department for using excessive force. It doesn't seem like anyone has done that though so likely no one was injured.

Comment Re:Pepper-spraying sitting protesters (Score 1) 299

So your answer is "The cops should have sat around pissed off at protestors"? If the police arest someone who just threw a brick through your window, and some OWS guys surround the police, the police should just sit around and do nothing because the protestors are being peaceful?

Lots of people claim the police overstep their bounds all the time but never provide a practical alternative. And yes lots of times the police overstep their bounds but I don't think this is one of those times.

Comment Re:Pepper-spraying sitting protesters (Score 1) 299

Yes I totally see your point the police overstepped their bounds, I can't believe the hell these protestors went through. You see how they're rolling around holding their faces and screaming after the pepper spray hits them. Oh wait they're not, it actually seems like none of them are the slightest bit phased by the pepper spray. So either these are super protestors who eat nails for breakfast, or whatever they're being sprayed with isn't nearly half as bad as you think it is. Plus, after the video when the police manage to finally make a hole you can see at least a dozen officers walking through with a few protestors bound with zip ties.

So basically the protestors were blocking the police from going where they needed to go, the police asked repeatedly for the protestors to move, the police warned the protestors they will be pepper sprayed, the police sprayed the protestors (which again, didn't seem to phase them) and then the police managed to pull one of the protestors out and make an opening to allow the blocked police to make their way through.

Should they have waited longer? Should they have asked nicer? Would you rather have seen the night sticks come out?

Imagine you were carrying a couch out of your house (or any sort of dead weight which would be the detained protestors the police were trying to get through) and you find your entire block is surrounded by OWS protestors holding arms together. You have to get this couch past them eventually and there's no way around to do it. You can't throw the couch cause it'll break (or it'll pretend to be broken, upload a video of you "breaking" it on Youtube and have you suspended), you can't step over the protestors cause the couch is too heavy and you already tried asking them to move but they told you they'll only move if you put the couch back. What do you do?

Comment Re:Pepper-spraying sitting protesters (Score 3, Interesting) 299

From just his comment it sounds like they were sitting in the middle of a street blocking the crosswalk, which is not only illegal it's also dangerous (especially in NYC.) Most of the OWS people I've seen who are the "victims" of police brutality put themselves into situations where they know they will be forcibly removed just so they can claim brutality. They're not protesting they're being douchebags enticing violence so they have something to point to and say "Look we're victims!" And yes pepper spray is probably the best option considering the second option is beating them with a nightstick till they unlock their arms so you can physically move them one at a time.

Unless of course you have a much more effective method to use in that sort of situation that doesn't put the officer in harms way...

Comment Re:Both Ways (Score 2) 511

Sorry I just can't let this slide, cite something. What has he done that is so left leaning. I didn't like Obama before he was elected because I knew "Hope and change" was bullshit to get him elected. Now that he's been president for a few years a lot of people who supported him during his campaign seem to agree with me, so i just have to ask, what has he done that so radically changed the face of this country that republicans refer to him as far left leaning?

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