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Journal Journal: Sydey Opera House Distributes Malware

Sydney Opera House's website was hijacked to distribute malware, according to an Age article

A researcher, Rik Farrow, stumbled across the trojan software while assessing Google's new malicious software (malware) warning feature.

"I needed an example of the Google Malware Warning, because I was writing about a paper presented by Google engineers at the HotBots workshop," Mr Farrow said.

The website, which is used for both information and ticketing purposes, runs on Tessitura Arts Enterprise Software and Windows 2003/MS SQL Server 2000. The opera house's CIO, Claire Swaffield, says the Sydney Opera House will now have its website security regularly checked by a third party.

Operating Systems

Journal Journal: ZDNet THinks Leopard Looks Like Vista

Mary Jo Foley, whose headline says she is "An unblinking eye on Microsoft" claims Apple's upcoming OSX Leopard operating system offers little innovation over Microsoft's Vista.

But if you've seen Vista, there's no way you could help but compare the feature-complete Leopard beta Jobs showcased with Windows Vista. And -- surprise -- Vista looked pretty darn up-to-date in comparison.

Foley provides a list of new features in Leopard which she believes are equivalent or identical in Vista, including...

1. New Leopard Desktop: Not a whole lot different from Vista's Aero and Sidebar.

...a comment that's unlikely to impress Mac fans.


Journal Journal: Mutant Wildlife at Chernobyl 337

The wilderness is encroaching over abandoned towns in the Chernobyl exclusion zone

Scientist are divided as to whether the animals are flourishing in the highly radioactive environment.

Robert J. Baker of Texas Tech University says the mice and other rodents he has studied at Chernobyl since the early 1990s have shown remarkable tolerance for elevated radiation levels.

But Timothy Mousseau of the University of South Carolina, a biologist who studies barn swallows at Chernobyl, says that while wild animals have settled in the area, they have struggled to build new populations.

Maria Urupa says packs of wolves have eaten two of her dogs, and wild boar trample through her cornfield. "I've seen a lot of wild animals here," says Urupa, one of about 300 mostly elderly residents who insist on living in Chernobyl's contaminated zone.


Journal Journal: Google Maps a Terrorist Tool

Abdul Kadir, one of the men accused of plotting to blow up facilities at JFK Airport, told his co-conspirators to get more more detailed images from Google Maps, according to court documents obtained by The Smoking Gun.

Although U.S. authorities said they had averted an attack that could have resulted in unfathomable damage, deaths, and destruction, the plan was unlikely to have been successful.

According to the experts, it would have been almost impossible to cause an explosion in the jet fuel tanks and pipeline. Furthermore, the plotters seem to have lacked the explosives and financial backing to carry out the attack.

In spite of the limited credibility of this latest terrorist scare, it has generated suggestions that Google Maps, and in particular it's new Street View facility, be censored.

"If there was a situation where any imagery products were being used by adversaries to kill Americans, I think we should act," the director of a US spy agency - the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), Robert Murrett, said.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Submission 15/04/2007, YouTube clip removal.

A 15-year-old West Australian boy, claiming he represented the clips' copyright owners, persuaded video-sharing website YouTube to remove more than 200 clips from the site. The clips, all from the comic current affairs show "The Chaser's War on Everything", were popular with viewers; one clip featuring featuring Charles Firth accosting Hillary Clinton had been viewed more than 100,000 times before it was taken down yesterday.

According to Stuff, this is in direct contrast to the TV station's policy on content sharing. Courtney Gibson, from Australia's public broadcaster ABC TV said; "[ABC wishes] to get our content out there on as many platforms as possible, run by as many different operators as possible."

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