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Comment Bye Bye 4th Amendment (Score 2) 500

This effectively removes the fourth amendment prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure: Just keep arresting and hauling away occupants until one of the remaining occupants gets too scared to invoke his Constitutional right.

All six Justices who voted for this need to be impeached for treason.

Comment Re:The court is right (Score 1) 427

With the current wording GEMA looks like the bad guy.

Hmmm...let's see:

1) GEMA (presumably) has the legal right to license the music.

2) GEMA has not licensed the music, and ordered Google to remove it.

3) Google removed it, and explained that it has been removed due to 1 and 2 above.

So what part of that is Google's fault? Google explained very factually that the rights owner has not granted Google a license to exhibit the music, and GEMA has a hissy fit. Seems like GEMA is the bad guy. Or at the very least, it seems like GEMA is run by a bunch of emotionally stunted 12 year-olds.

Comment NSA Campaign (Score 4, Informative) 359

Remember, the NSA's stated M.O. is to publicly smear Julian Assange in order to get people to divert focus away from the crimes commited by the U.S. Federal Government.

Julian's character is an irrelevant distraction, so don't get drawn into a debate over the messenger. Stay on message: The U.S. Federal Government has committed crimes against its people, and will do anything to cover it up.

Comment Re:Perl, Larry Wall, and Linguistics (Score 1) 161

He also often uses linguistic terms for Perl language constructs, so instead of traditional terms such as "variable", "function", and "accessor" he sometimes says "noun", "verb", and "topicalizer".

That would explain why, as a programming language, Perl is so damned inpenetrable. Hint to Larry: Vogon poetry is not a programming language.

Comment Not Worth It (Score 1) 578

Fortunately for me, I decided 2 things a few years ago:

1) There is nothing worth watching on Cable/Satellite, and nothing on broadcast TV that justifies the endless advertising torture perpetrated against its viewing audience.

2) The Olympics has long since forgotten why it exists, and is now nothing more than a shell game.

I can now feel sympathy and sorrow for those who are still chained to the Olympics addiction. Once you view television and the Olympics from the correct perspective, you can laugh at moves like the one perpetrated by NBC.

Comment Re:Massively useless article (Score 3, Insightful) 53

A more useful article that lists the patent numbers and claims in dispute.

You linked to a site which specializes in fictional writing. It's like quoting Star Trek as an authority on real faster than light travel. Think of fosspatents as a site that recommends reversing the polarity on the deflector dish to fix legal problems.

Comment Re:hypocrisy (Score 1) 415

The thing that bugs me about this is that all you fuckers on the band wagon saying he should be pardoned in 2013 would be the first to call for his castration if you had been living in the UK in 1950.

This is what Psychology calls, "Projection."

Comment Still Can't Trust U.S. Companies (Score 3, Insightful) 291

Let's assume, for the same of argument, that RSA is being completely honest and sincere: their product is not compromised by the U.S. Government. Given that the U.S. Government can just slap any company in the U.S. with a National Security Letter; the violation of which comes with prison time, and which prohibits the recipient from even saying they got one; we can't trust any U.S. (or U.K., for that matter) company's word that they haven't been compromised by the Government.

So as our computer security companies start to decline, and our economy (which has a huge computer company component to it) declines even further, we can all tip our hats to the corrupt polititians that gave our three-letter agencies the power to deal a body blow to the very country they are supposed to be protecting; and to the agencies that use that power to harm us more than any terrorist plot ever could.

Comment Believability Deficit (Score 5, Insightful) 504

So an organization whose existence is predicated on lying, and whose employees, from the top of the food chain to the bottom of the food chain, have done nothing but lie to their country, from the top of the food chain to the bottom of the food chain, goes on a national TV show and says stuff that we are supposed to believe?

Either the NSA is staffed by utter morons, or they think we are the utter morons. There is a huge believability deficit in that agency, and an enormous cognitive disconnect among its leaders. It's yet another federal agency that needs a large funding reduction, and whose leaders need many years of therapy.

Comment Re:Given the this community's gender troubles... (Score 2) 575

Given this community's gender troubles....

Speak for yourself. You're assuming that a lack of women programmers is a bug rather than a feature. I left my lower paying job at a place with no women programmers for a 60% pay increase at a company with women programmers. Before the week was over, I was calling my previous employer to ask for my old job back. The caustic, catty, backstabbing, childish environment created by women was so bad, I was willing to take a 60% pay cut to get out of it.

Now I'm happy at my job again, and running a small business on the side to make up the difference in pay. The single best way to ruin a satisfying career is to add women to it. I hope more women and young girls think that computers are just not for them.

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