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Comment Re:Prophecy (Score 5, Informative) 764

It's not about to run out. It's about to--wait for it--PEAK. Production has been increasing since its discovery and soon it will begin to decrease--but 'decrease' (or even 'decrease fast enough to be big trouble) does not equate 'decrease quickly enough to solve global warming', especially considering the time lag.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 659

Yet we're still leaving troops there

Remember how we were all mad at Germany early in the Iraq war? Do you remember how we punished them? We started some of our troops out of Germany and shutting down American military bases in the country. Why did we have military bases in Germany in 2005? Because we put them there during the Cold War, some immediately following World War II.

So, yeah, we're keeping a military presence in Iraq, just a we've kept a presence in Germany for over fifty years. It's strategic to have bases spread around the globe.

Comment Re:If you can't code in C++ you shouldn't code. (Score 1) 878

What this world needs is competent programmers. C++ too hard for you? You shouldn't be programming. It's that simple.

How about 'if you think the complex system is either not good enough or absolutely perfect, you shouldn't be programming'. I can write in assembly, but I'd have to be an idiot to reject improvements on the grounds that 'if you can't program in assembly, don't program.' Better tools increase productivity and reduce bug-count. (Anyone who claims to have written a complex, bug-free program, is either a liar or just oblivious, and if they add in that there's no way it could have been done faster/more easily they're either nuts or a knee-jerk Slashdot commenter.)

Go ahead and write your code in C++ because you can, but don't be surprised when all those idiots using other using tools produce better software faster.

Comment Re:Sounds good... (Score 1) 144

No, I can't get it because we used the smallpox vaccines to fully eradicate it. You've confused cowpox (A member of the Poxviridae family and which which provides a no-longer-needed immunity to smallpox) with chickenpox (which a member of the Herpesviridae and I'm pretty sure doesn't help with smallpox). We don't give out the smallpox vaccine anymore not because chickenpox or cowpox is common, but because the worldwide infenction rate for smallpox since 1978 has been 0. (And the single case in 1978 was a lab accident. The last natural case was 1977.)

The eradication of smallpox is one of science's biggest victories. Spread the good word.

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