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Comment Re:Deniers can't make up their minds (Score 1, Troll) 547

science has proved what?

this isn't the hottest year on record, and artic ice levels are greater than last years which were greater than the year before

antarctic glaciers not melting because of global average temperature rising, but volcanoes

in fact, science says the hottest years in the last 13,000 years for a whopping 3,000 year stretch occured over 7,000 years ago, hotter global average temperatuer than now.

what is it with the guilt over progress, the hysteria you warming alarmists have?

Comment Re:Strategies to Defeat Age Discrimination (Score 1) 370

bahaha, single-colored hair (that isn't white or grey) on a white guy over 40 is so obviously fake

what principles for working with old hardware or languages are really obsolete? I shouldn't mention the old mainframe and minicomputers and supercomputers I've worked on over the years? Shouldn't mention assembly on microprocessors that are the forerunners of todays? shouldn't mention languages that are less popular (but still around, or that were forebearers of todays)?

nonsense, my resume goes back decades and I'm over 50. It gets me interviews, which is its only purpose.

my degree and year I mention too

Comment Re:Software Patents Are Just Wrong (Score 2) 43

ask anyone who codes on multiple machine architectures, Intel's sucks. There are many boot PROM far superior to brain dead BIOS. It would have been a better world had alternative machine than IBM's PC become the standard, and we could have had real operating system for them instead of DOS and the crippleware windows that descended from it.

Comment Re:Fuck 'em (Score 1) 107

yes, I work in downtown Chicago. I see Willis tower every f'ing work day. People with back packs loiter everywhere around the former sears tower. people with back packs go to work in the former sears tower. People with back packs shout slogans and pass out pamphlets near the former sears tower, and I walk by them wearing a back pack.

do you even have a point, you ignorant shit head?

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If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
