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Comment Drug dealer business model (Score 5, Insightful) 124

The fine print on this announcement is that the patents are not really free. You have to apply and be accepted to the program (serious contenders need not apply?) and the royalty-free license period only goes to 2020. This is just enough time to develop and start producing something and then you can get hit with big royalty payments.
This is sucker bait.

Comment Re:Don't mess with my jetset lifestyle (Score 2) 232

Globalism hasn't worked out so well for the U.S. Corporations have transferred a lot of skilled manufacturing jobs to low wage countries with fewer pollution controls and then ship finished goods back to the U.S. (creating more pollution). The result has been that the well paying manufacturing jobs have disappeared and everybody is working at Walmart for minimum wage selling cheap shit from China.
Globalization increases pollution and lowers living standards in developed countries. In low wage countries, they have more pollution. Wealthy people just buy more cheap shit, creating more pollution.
The only comparative advantage corporations exploit is their ability to drive down wages and not pay for their pollution.

Comment Re: Don't mess with my jetset lifestyle (Score 1) 232

Why do you want to go to London?
Really, a lot of air travel is unnecessary... even a lot of "necessary" air travel is unnecessary.
If the price were higher to pay for the negative externalities of air travel, there would be a lot less unnecessary air travel.
If you have an economy built on pollution (i.e. Hawaii), maybe you need to think different.
OTOH, Elon Musk thinks electric airplanes are possible. They would have the potential to reduce pollution.

Comment Re:Can you say... (Score 1) 266

If you think that the medical industry exists only to make money, then the drug companies are rational.
All of your anger at the government is really anger at companies who have corrupted government. In the US, government works for corporations and rich people and has been completely corrupted (some people call this fascism).
The government created patents to help companies, not people.
Get rid of patents... problem solved... no more evil drug companies.

Comment Re:I suppose this is a good thing... (Score 4, Interesting) 87

Most hydrogen comes from natural gas (with lousy conversion efficiency. If you get your hydrogen from electricity, it has even worse efficiency. It uses about four times the electricity to make hydrogen and then convert it back to electricity in your "fool cell" vehicle as just putting the electricity in your vehicle and bypassing the whole hydrogen part.
Plus, electricity is everywhere, literally everywhere. Anyone can just plug in at home and work, etc. With hydrogen, you have only ten places to refuel in California... not going very far.

Comment Bring back the 60s (Score 1) 68

Looks like they are using hand me down software from the US from the 1960s written in a language called Jovial.
"Prof Thomas said the NAS system was written using a now defunct computer language called Jovial, meaning Nats has to train programmers in Jovial just to maintain the antiquated software."

Submission + - Darwin Awards study says men are far more idiotic than women (

mspohr writes: In a study published in the British Medical Journal ( and reported by CNet (and others): "Scientists analyze the past 10 years of silly, avoidable deaths and find that almost 90 percent of the "protagonists" in these scenarios were male." "According to “male idiot theory” (MIT) many of the differences in risk seeking behaviour, emergency department admissions, and mortality may be explained by the observation that men are idiots and idiots do stupid things." The BMJ Abstract: "Sex differences in risk seeking behaviour, emergency hospital admissions, and mortality are well documented. However, little is known about sex differences in idiotic risk taking behaviour. This paper reviews the data on winners of the Darwin Award over a 20 year period (1995-2014). Winners of the Darwin Award must eliminate themselves from the gene pool in such an idiotic manner that their action ensures one less idiot will survive. This paper reports a marked sex difference in Darwin Award winners: males are significantly more likely to receive the award than females (P0.0001). We discuss some of the reasons for this difference." Yes, please discuss...

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