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Journal Journal: [food] A new development

I have not had time to do a lot with baking in some time now, so when I get to make a loaf of bread for my family it's a treat for everyone, including me. Today, however, I was approached and was told, "I want to pay you to bake for me." The person was serious too.

Suddenly, I am feeling encouraged.

Comment Re:Well.... (Score 1) 7

That really just shows that you really didn't know anything about Ubuntu. Not that it is something to be ashamed of, but I'd expect that you had known that by reading the numerous Ubuntu articles on this site.

I wouldn't quite say I knew *nothing*... I knew it was originally developed on the Isle of Man (and assume it still is), that root does not have a password by default and you have to use sudo to do admin stuff (there's a way around that), I knew there was a lot more configuration that's done for the user right out of the box, apt is the path to updates, there's a growing user base, there's growing application support and the GUI is superior to standard GNOME and KDE (though I did not realize how much so). Oh, and the logo is kinda ugly IMHO. The main surprises to me were the size being so small and the base being Debian. I really thought it was an independently developed distro like Debian, Red Hat, Slackware or SuSE.

Now, all of this said, I have not worked enough with it to make a judgment on what I think of it. It's pretty, sure, but it's configured different than Red Hat and I need a Red Hat system for certification. Once I get done with the cert, I will give it a fair shake.

Its popularity speaks loudly for its support and usability. Can't ignore that.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [geek] Ubuntu: First contact 7

A coworker of mine gave to me his laptop, wanting me to configure it for wireless access to the Internet. After handing it to me, he asked me "Can you install Ubuntu for me?" Um, ok, I can do that, but I am not an Ubuntu wizard so I expected this to be unfamiliar territory, to some extent.

Comment Re:It's getting crowded in here... (Score 1) 6

A friend of mine has been trying to talk me into FreeBSD for years. Looking at benchmark results on various aspects of the system, Linux and FreeBSD each have strengths compared to one another. But I think I am more likely to find Linux support if I encounter a big problem that I cannot resolve on my own.

(And, shhhhh... Don't tell anyone, but I secretly hope that OS/2 makes a comeback someday...)

User Journal

Journal Journal: [geek] The final nail in the Windows coffin 6

I finally abandoned my email client last night. I have been using Pegasus, which is a very nice freeware client for Windows, and I have amassed a good store of emails in the database. It appeared to run fine under Wine, but I was wrong. Wine unceremoniously shuts it down every time I send a new message. Can't have that.

Comment Re:Congrats (Score 1) 14

Pegasus' biggest plus is that I am very used to it. It is not a particularly outstanding email client, and it does have a couple of odd quirks, but it works for me. I have used it for a while now, after finally giving up on a shareware client I had used for years. I don't like the idea of changing again but would have done it if Pegasus didn't work under wine.

I don't like Thunderbird at all. It works well enough and I can see why most people are satisfied with it, but it doesn't appeal to me in the least.

Comment Re:Welcome to the Club (Score 1) 14

On an completely unrelated note... Am I the only one who still uses a prefix in brackets on my JE titles? I remember you came up with the idea some time ago and I have been doing it ever since. I haven't seen anyone else do it in a while.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [geek] Long live the king 14

It is official - no more Windows. Running Scientific Linux 5.5, I now have everything I want on my Linux install to the point that I no longer have a need for Windows to be loaded.

Comment Re:Hmmmmm.... (Score 1) 6

I could certainly snag a DVD from the office and install it, but by using a "community" version it removes all doubts whatsoever when it comes to licensing, support and everything else. I am probably worrying too much about stuff, but I would rather be too cautious than not cautious enough.

Oh, I tried Debian a long time ago - I did NOT like it one bit.

Comment Re:De gustibus non est disputandem... (Score 1) 6

My issue with Ubuntu is a simple one, through no one's fault - it is not set up like Red Hat so working towards Red Hat certification on Ubuntu is not a very viable way to work.

I am also glad to have you back around these parts

Actually, I never left. I just have been so busy that I haven't had the time to post like I used to. And since almost everyone else in my friends list has stopped posting, I am not sure who's actually here anymore.

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