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Comment Re:So... 'Insightful'... (Score 1) 903

Healthcare? You mean the ACA? WONDERFUL example there, where the Dems decided to 'suspend the rules', twist arms, bribe, and outright threaten reps to vote for it. Not a single Republican did, and whether that was a good idea or not is up for debate.

The fillibuster was put in place to prevent passage without debate - the House has no such protection, and now neither does the Senate.

As I said before, what comes around, goes around. Expect to be VERY disappointed at some time in the future, when the Republicans simply rubber-stamp-pass everything and there's no mechanism to say, "Hey guys, wait a minute..."

Comment So... 'Insightful'... (Score 1) 903

Ahahahaha! You are the funny man, aren't you? Tell me, was the filibuster a 'loophole' when the Dems used it mercilessly during the Reagan administration? When you put a 90+ year old man out there to talk about his life growing up in West Virginia (conveniently leaving out details of his time in the KKK), until his senility overcame him?

No, it was placed there to prevent the tyranny of the majority. We put up with it then, and in times past. God help you Democrats if the Republicans win the House and Senate. Don't think using the 'nuclear option' isn't going to come back and bite you in the ass - big time.

Comment Started with 'old' games, because they were simple (Score 1) 285

When my son was just 2 1/2 years old, we learned he was autistic. He had a lot of trouble with coordination and had some sensory issues. He seemed very interested in my computer, but was frustrated trying to do anything on it.

I put an old Slick-Stik joystick in his hands (they fit little hands MUCH better than a controller full of buttons), and fired up my old Atari 2600. Once I got him to understand that the stick needed the button to be up and to the left, the simplistic nature of the games allowed him to learn how to manipulate objects on the screen and avoid other ones (Ms. Pac Man was one of his favorites). In time, he got pretty good at it.

I think it helped him get out of his bubble, and he seemed thrilled that he was finally able to do something that DID something else in a constructive and playful way. It was a long time before he was able to talk, and even longer before he would read with any kind of comprehension, so the older games were PERFECT for him.

Comment Re:True Amish Lifestyle (Score 1) 367

Actually, I believe them when they tell me they don't own a big screen TV or video game console in their homes. They have cell phones and computers, but they are a business necessity. I guess when I was thinking 'high tech', I was thinking entertainment-wise as I was cross-posting on the XboxOne at the time. ;)

Comment Re:True Amish Lifestyle (Score 2) 367

Yes, and during Rumspringa, they find out how unprepared for 'English' life they are. I've lived among the Amish for 30 years now, often working directly alongside them. My point is that they still struggle with the balance in their lives - like everyone else does.

Comment Re:True Amish Lifestyle (Score 2) 367

I should also mention that MANY in the Amish/Mennonite community have computers (mostly for keeping track of their farming business). If you travel around my area, you'll see more solar panels than Silicon Valley adorning barns and farmhouses. HINT: They're not just powering the lights for a 4AM jaunt to the dairy... ;)

Comment True Amish Lifestyle (Score 5, Interesting) 367

It's funny when people talk about the Amish as if their assured piety somehow comes from genetics or something. The truth is, the Amish have ALWAYS sought for 'loopholes' in their situation - what the Bishops allow for is a different tale altogether.

I could give you LOTS of examples, but here's a oldie AND a goodie. Back in the early 90's, I worked for a Commodore dealer in Lancaster County, PA (BIG Amish and Mennonite community). C= had kind of a non-sequitur deal: Buy an Amiga 500 bundled with a 1080 monitor, get a 'free' VCR - which was kinda silly. The A500 had no color composite out, so actually hooking it up to a VCR required this phallic-looking 6 inch long module (the A520), which of course, was not included.

And yet...

The Old Order Mennonites and even a few of the younger Amish were buying into this deal - big time. We sold more A500s than ever during this time - and the vast majority were going to that community. While the A500 didn't have a true color composite out (C= = STUPID!), the VCR did, and it just so happened that the monitor that came with the bundle did as well. I found out what was going on when I suggested to a conservative-looking young couple that, with an antenna connected to the VCR's tuner, you could actually watch TV on the monitor.

I was taken aback by their shocked and seemingly terrified response, "Oh no! Don't SAY THAT! We don't want to watch TV on it!" What they DID want to watch was VHS video though. Because the Bishops were not up on the latest technology, they could claim that the computer system was the primary purpose of the deal - the VCR would not be mentioned, and they could watch all the tapes they wanted in the secluded privacy of their bedrooms.

Today, if you see an Amish or Mennonite woman on the stoop of their house, cradling something close to their ear, you can bet it's a cell phone. There are cell vendors who specifically cater to the Amish's 'cash only' lifestyle.

Folks, the Amish are as human as any of us. There are pious ones, but many are essentially trapped in a lifestyle out of necessity. Imagine this: With only an 8th grade education, and all of your friends and family belonging to the community, you'd probably stay because you'd fear the total abandonment of the only life you've ever known. But that doesn't mean they don't get rebellious or 'get up to dickens'... ;)

Comment Re:True (Score 1) 302

No, I think it is in relation to the kind of people he's really talking about: Developers. Developers develop because they want to scratch an itch... THEIR itch! Codemasters are rarely interested in making things 'easy' as opposed to making them functional - and that's the real dichotomy.

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