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Comment Re:Sleep deprivation is very serious (Score 1) 469

It's interesting that you say "three weeks" as there are studies showing a lower growth of neurons (Adult Neurogenesis) associated with sleep deprivation. It's also been shown that after neuron production picks up, the effects take about three weeks. It's the same process that starts when you take antidepressants.

Comment Re:I have an easier solution: (Score 1) 354

So how did they even get the short URL in the first place? Doesn't that mean they're browsing the net on their phone? So why still use sms then? And why should twitter not just expand the url back to its old size/text? Are people reading twitter by sms, too? Though I guess on the grand scale of the universe, this really doesn't matter.

Comment Somewhat understandable (Score 4, Interesting) 121

Maybe it really is too early to focus on standardization. It often freezes the standard quo and makes it harder to implement new stuff, c. f. the x86 and Windows requirements for backwards compatibility. I also don't really see where the problems are (others might have more experience there): EC2 uses standard Xen instances that should be somewhat portable. The only non-portable part is the meta-level configuration.

Submission + - Cotton Swabs Prime Suspect in 8year Phantom Chase (

matt4077 writes: For eight years, several hundred police officers across several European countries have been chasing a phantom woman whose DNA had been found in almost 20 crimes (including two murders) across central Europe.It now turns out that contaminated cotton swabs might be responsible for this highly unusual investigation. After being puzzled by the apparent randomness of the crimes, investigator noticed that all cotton swabs had been sourced from the same company. They also noted that the DNA was never found in crimes in Bavaria, a German state located at the center of the crimes' locations. It turns out that Bavaria buys its swabs from a different supplier.
Portables (Apple)

Submission + - Wolfenstein 3D Released by id on iPhone (

Anonymous Coward writes: "id Software has released a port of the classic Wolfenstein FPS shooter to the iPhone. Some of the coding was done by John Carmack himself, who also used original code combined with new code from Wolf3D Redux. The original code was open sourced years ago and enthusiasts have been updating it, which made the port considerably easier for id. It's available in the iTunes App Store for $4.99 but the source is available for free at"

Comment Re:Piggy ride! (Score 1) 171

That wouldn't make much sense. To land on the asteroid, you need to be about as fast as it is, or your lander will just be hit by a very fast moving rock. When you have invested all the energy to get up to that speed, you could equally well just turn of the engines and be subject to gravity, just like the asteroid, which will give you that tour around the solar system without any further energy.

Google Earth To Show Ocean Floor 181

f1vlad writes "Google is expected to announce the addition of ocean floor imagery to its Google Earth project, which will complete digital representation of our planet. 'The existing site, to which an estimated 400 million people have had access, already includes three-dimensional representations of large cities around the world and includes images from street-level and aerial photography covering thousands of miles across Britain and elsewhere. The new additions to the website are expected to include views of the ocean, and portions of the seabed. They will also provide detailed environmental data that will enhance information about the effect of climate change on the world's seas and oceans.'"

Comment Re:...because H1Bs are forms, not people (Score 5, Interesting) 574

These H1B holders are well-educated. They'd be able to take of themselves. They'll return home and be a huge benefit to their home country. The US, meanwhile, will lose these talents after probably having spent lots of money in educating them.

Remember: the number of jobs is not fixed. A million unemployed but well-educated nerds will probably lead to the next google, Apple or whatever. If you throw these people out of the country, those companies and their jobs are just created elsewhere.

Comment ...because H1Bs are forms, not people (Score 5, Insightful) 574

I can understand that the well-being of american workers is more important than that of visa-holders to an elected politician. However, the impact of losing the job is much higher for H1Bs, as they usually have to leave the country (within 1 week I think). Considering the fact that these are humans, too, maybe it would be acceptable to lessen these restrictions somewhat, i. e. allow these people to stay in the country for a year if they have the financial means.

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