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Comment Re:Law should be like code. Not up for interpretat (Score 2) 186

Hear, hear! The truth of what you say should be obvious to everyone because as we all know, coded systems never have unintended consequences and can always account for every situation that comes up "in the field".

Additionally, your comparison is quite apt because as everyone knows code is not ever subject to interpretation when it is executed. That is why we use one code to express everything.

I am reminded of the invention of the first formal symbolic logics. Philosophers were rightly excited to have settled all human argument because finally each side could simply write down their arguments as symbolic logic and then whoever was correct would become self-evident.

Bravo, sir. I hope your insights shake the foundations of our legal system and I wish to subscribe to your webinar and such.

Comment Make up your damn minds! (Score 1, Troll) 394

From TFA:

The action is part of an agreement signed by the U.S. and other nations to stop using substances that deplete the ozone layer, a region in the atmosphere that helps block harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun.

So now that global warming has been exposed as a fraud we're supposed to be scared of the Sun as well? Leave it to tree huggers to care more about ozone, which is poisonous, than human life.

I don't know about you but I'm perfectly capable of purchasing sunscreen. For the amount of money I'd save with the tried-and-true inhalers I could probably buy enough sunscreen to protect myself from this so-called "ultraviolet" light for a decade or more.

I am continually amazed that people want the government to pass laws in the name of environmental protection -- if someone is polluting your air or water you don't need to call the EPA, you should be exercising your individual property rights the way our founding fathers intended.

Comment Re:It's a shame... (Score 2) 668

Actually he was correct in pointing out an important, if subtle, misapprehension a lot of people have about "survival of the fittest". Darwinian fitness is merely a measure of how many of your offspring survived to have offspring of their own. Everything else is a value judgement.

Comment Re:Someone should have attended Secure Codeing 101 (Score 1) 82

Sadly, idiots (of which the the folks that codeed Apache are an example) nothing new. Their mediocrity has long suffocated us bright folk, many of whom are too timid to call these people what they are: pathetic failures. Others, like yourself, are not.

Achieving perfection is a bit harder than merely rewriting flawed code. I guess people have to experience humiliation over and over again...

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