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Comment Re:or just use c++ in the first place (Score 1) 217

Used to do a lot of C++ coding, one man and teams. When doing C++, would have problem apps that the c++ expert (often me) had to debug because of crashes, memory leaks, etc. When doing similar things in c#, these problems largely go away. C# is hardly unique in this aspect (Java, etc.)

Though I love me some c/c++, I also know that most programmers will find C# and other higher languages less troublesome in the real world. Deny it if you want, but it my experience there is no contest.

IMO C# is really of nice language, too bad it is effectively MS only -- Mono is not really mainstream, and appears unlikely to ever get this unless a miracle occurs.

Comment Re:Terrible summary (Score 1) 190

Hello ... stripes are thinning. First you get a few females with stripes, guys prefer them -- breeding takes over stripes everywhere.

Lest you think this is jest. Consider the standard evolutionary advantage explanation of peacock plumage as sexual preference based on the appearance. In fact, the literature abounds with appearance based sexual preferences as explanatory.

The real question is why did Zebras evolve "fashion sense"

Flies avoiding stripes, just happened to be a side benefit.

Comment Re:Digital Assistant software (Score 2) 387

Actually, this is the one thing I actually care about. A little competition in the digital assistant marketplace can only be a good this. The number of deep pockets able to compete here must be pretty limited, and the state of the art can definitely use some improvement. Matters not if MS version is better or not as long as it is decent it will be some additional competition.

Comment Re:Interesting effort (Score 1) 224

Due to tidal drag the Earth's day is lengthening around 2 ms/day per century. Morlocks are about 8000 centuries in the future. Changing the mean solar day from 86400 seconds to 86416 will not dramatically affect the design of a calendar -- you just tweak how often leap years occur.

As a troglodytic race Morlocks really don't have to do anything about calendars or clocks.

Comment Re:Banks are responsible too (Score 1) 87

Unfortunately, the way the credit card companies work, most of the damage is externalized onto the merchants (via reversed charges) and ultimately the consumers -- via higher prices & fees. Of course, this is hardly accidental. Target is certainly guilty of lots of stupidity, but the real players won't change their ways until they really feel the pain -- the whole system is far too easy for the black players to game. Some much business is depending on CC transactions, most businesses have little choice but to play the game.

This pain could be regulatory, financial losses, etc. But, no pain, no improvement.

Comment Re:So, they're sending like, 6 multimeters? (Score 2) 250

Unless you are getting multi-meters that "fell off the back of the truck" I don't think anyone is going to confuse a $3000 MM with a cheap knockoff. It's not like buying a fake Rolex, people don't drop 3 large for a MM unless they have very specific requirements, like drop-proof, water-proof, dust-proof, etc. for use in a heavy industrial environment. Most of Fluke's MM's can be purchased for a few hundred USD (depending on your definition of few).

I checked and there are 2 models over 1000 USD, an industrial strength RED one for $1500, and a bench model for 1065 USD. They had dozens of models less than 500 USD. Lowest price 130 USD.

Comment Re:There real reason ... (Score 5, Insightful) 290

I've read a number of different estimates for deaths related to coal pollution, 10-15K annually in the US, 150-300K globally. Even if those estimates are 10 time actual, it is hard to beat coal pollution as the top killer for industrial activity. Disasters like collapses of mines, dams, coal ash pond get a lot more attention.

Turning off every coal plant today would be a much bigger disaster -- people freezing, starving, diseases, etc. would be far worse, but hey, I am all for replacing coal with safer nukes, etc. All major systems will results in accidents and deaths, it is kind of the way it is. Even today, $/kwh from coal is generally cheaper than the viable alternatives. Arguably, a new generation of nuclear power could be cheaper than coal (fuel costs on the order of 15-25% of coal), but this is certainly not guaranteed.

You still need transportation fuels (hard to replace jet planes with battery operated or nuclear).,

Comment Re:This should be amusing. (Score 1) 48

The predominant theory among creationists is that the water of the flood is mostly most in the oceans -- The elevations of the continental masses where raised, allowing the water to flow to the oceans. This is kind of the same as the scientific opinion except for the timeframe of months vs. millions of years. Well, that and the scientific opinion that there was no world-wide flood/

Comment Re:30 years later. This isn't that hard. (Score 1) 162

While an admirable attempt, the password "nicht schiessen" reports a crack time of centuries, yet it is a simple phrase seen in many movies -- It is german, meaning Don't shoot (using ss for the ß character). Using ß is reported as having more entropy, even though logically it would be a simply dictionany pair.

"don't shoot me now" claims 4 years to crack

I use a similar approach on websites I control, but there is really not a simple algorithm that prevents all human stupidity in terms of password selection. My point is not "don't try to test for entropy" but rather know that your test will no be perfect.

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