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Comment Re:Lenovo (Score 1) 134

Why not try to rehabilitate them? The Free Software Foundation agrees with your statement "we need computer hardware that is free and open all the way down to the hardware", but instead of sacking them they suggest telling them to "respect user freedom" etc. When I read the changelog from official Thinkpad BIOS updates which include the word "Linux", I'm more encouraged than discouraged about the company.

Comment Re:We need to teach people to think, and to use to (Score 1) 291

I think learning to write computer programs helps develop logical reasoning skills. Why? Because it helped my logical reasoning skills, and I like to generalize my own experience to the whole world :) Now, I don't think teaching "coding" to totally uninterested kids helps develop their skills, but exposing everyone to "coding" will get interested kids started as early as possible, which I think is good.

Comment Re:How does it make money? (Score 1) 69

I get requests to connect from people I do not know and when I check they usually are in some business that sells products in my field...
I can't prove this, but I strongly suspect all those linkedin requests I get from unknown people are generated by robots. I closed my account recently. Say no to spam.

Comment Re: Dupe (Score 1) 840

I *used* to think car lights were easy to replace, since my first cars were early 1990s Saturns where you only needed to unscrew the cover and replace the headlight bulbs. It was almost as easy as changing a lightbulb in your house. And then I tried the same on my wife's Honda Civic, which was, well, not as trivial, and obviously by design.

Comment Re:Keep the kids longer and don't send homework (Score 1) 161

No, he/she IS on the spot. Remember, the slide rule was mainly a source of inspiration, which help the GP understand relationships between numbers and motivated GP to learn more. Choice quote:

I did a 180 on math subjects - even without using the slide rule.

It is not a "learning styles" issue. Learning styles is a fiction.

Comment Re:The Obfuscation of Easy Computer Science (Score 1) 149

I think Knuth's "made-up" assembly code looks generic to anyone who knows any assembler at all. I first saw assembly language in a Commodore 128 book decade ago, and reading the first few pages allowed me the grasp the big picture for Knuth's MIX language.

And I think you're incorrect about TeX vs LaTeX. Try to write your resume in LaTeX. TeX takes the pain out of LaTeX when you want to exercise good taste.

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