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Comment Re:Anyone know how/why normies pick Android? (Score 1) 59

Thanks I should have thought of that it seems so obvious when somebody says it. I'm actually surprised that hasn't shown up as a risk in Apple's stock reports. The iMessage Mafia is that big a deal.

Also hilariously I wonder if iMessage is gradually going to become associated with old people like regular SMS messaging is. I think it definitely will if Apple doesn't do something to stop it and I just wonder what that something might be

Comment Speaking of someone who used to pay (Score 1) 59

For their kids iPhone they absolutely do not keep their phones longer. After 2 years like clockwork and iPhone starts to have weird behavior. Most commonly this is because the battery is wearing out and the software is doing all sorts of weird tricks to hide that from the user. Those weird tricks cause all sorts of headaches most notably you'll start to get messages late because the phone isn't driving the radio is hard in an effort to spare battery life.

Meanwhile I'm at three and a half years and I'm just now thinking of replacing my Android battery because it doesn't last as long through the day. But the phone's performance hasn't degraded I just have to charge it halfway through the day.

iPhone users yeah they can just get a new battery but I speak from experience they don't want a new battery they want a new phone. And with the way cell phones are sold through carriers most of the time they're just going to get one and pay an extra 20 or 30 a month to have it rather than the 60 or 70 it costs to replace the battery. Not very economical but I can hardly complain if they're not buying a bunch of new computer hardware every few years like I do. Never did get the kid into PC gaming.

Comment So they're making a threat (Score 3, Interesting) 213

in an effort to get the people who make a living off tik toks to lobby congress. Which is silly. If they were going to do this they should've done it months ago.

They also did something *really* dumb. If you've got the app installed they sent a noticed to call your congress critter about the "ban". Which a lot of people did. Which sounds great, but if you're trying to convince a Congressman that your app can't influence American politics that's probably not the best way to do it...

None of this matters since as others have pointed out they can just buy all our data from x.com and Facebook (mostly Facebook, does anyone really still use x.com?) and use that for election interference.

Comment I didn't see any of that (Score 3, Insightful) 54

93% of the recent protests were peaceful. Of that 7% it was almost entirely counter protestors. Google "autozone window guy", or look up who started those fires at the 2 police stations (hint, it was right wing provocateurs). I guess there was that one girl who got run over at the "Unite the Right" protest, but while terrible that was one murder. I don't think even they turned over any cars.

That's protests. There were some minor riots and burned cars after the last super bowl, if that's what you mean. But those are football hooligans (or Soccer if you're a Yank like me).

I mean, if you're on the left wing you need to keep it *very* buttoned up. For one thing cops are 3 times more likely to use violence against you and for another the Supreme Court just shut down pretty much all left wing protests since if literally *anything* goes south the organizes can be held liable, even if it's just some rando counter protestor causing trouble... which of course they will now.

This isn't about viewpoints. One side is about objective reality and the other side isn't. it's up to you to pick a side.

Comment Ew. (Score 1, Redundant) 9

USDC has missed it "peg" (e.g. it's dropped to a value of below a dollar) more than once, and there's a *lot* of evidence that it's been off it's peg for ages and that market manipulation is hiding it (google it).

It's primarily used to get real money (e.g. fiat currency) into and out of the crypto markets.

We learned from a recent story that minting $1m in crypto costs around $3.5m. We all know what's making crypto run these days is crime of one form or another. Money laundering mostly.

That's all well and good, but integrating that into our main line economy is eventually going to cause a massive crash that'll hit us all. If we let that happen it'll make 2008 look like the .com boom days.

Comment So assuming that we stay a competitive society (Score 1) 104

Instead of a cooperative one then or gradually going to see profit go away as an important metric. That's because we're going to gradually become a kind of neo feudal civilization with a very very tiny handful of kings and queens at the top (socially we will probably still call them CEOs or just company owners) a tiny handful of people who serve and protect them and then a massive number of people living in staggeringly abject poverty.

You're kind of assuming that everything is going to stay the way it is socially because it's really hard to think of those kind of massive social changes to completely remake the fabric of our civilization. But with the huge automation pushes going on and more and more and more consolidation every year into the hands of a smaller group of people at some point they're just going to take their ball and go home and they're going to have ai-powered drones and robots that will gun anyone down who tries to fuck with them.

Again this all assumes we stay on the course we're on right to the moment. There are plenty of people who can see this coming and are trying to do something about it. And younger voters are smart enough to know it's coming. It's just a question of whether or not the major world powers are going to be democracies long enough. The older generation is hell-bent on giving up democracy for a variety of stupid reasons and if democracy goes we lose that fight and we become a Neo feudal dystopia.

Comment Anyone know how/why normies pick Android? (Score 1) 59

Is it just price? The iPhone SE is around $400, but that seems pretty stiff. I know my kid's locked into Apple for their messaging app because it's like a little social network with their friends. And I know if you go as far back as high school being a kid with the "green" chat bubble was bad news. The equivalent to wearing cheap cloths and handmedowns when I was a kid.

Hell, at one point my kid wanted one of the fancy Samsung phones but the messaging app kept them on Apple. Samsung briefly made their phones as desirable as iPhones but that just didn't last, and nobody seems to be able to stand out.

Comment You're not going to see another world war (Score 1) 104

For two reasons. The first and obvious one is nukes make it impossible to just invade a country that has them.

But the bigger one is that multinational corporations owned by global ruling elites who do not think of themselves as citizens of a specific country own factories and property in every country of the world. They are not going to let you have a big nasty war that blows up their stuff.

You can blow up as many houses and hospitals and schools as you want over in Palestine because those are poor people and it's basically an open-air prison. Nobody's really making any money off that the speak of. It's just a wedge used by a variety of people in the Middle East to jockey for power where the actual wealth is.

But go take India and Pakistan. Years ago Pakistan looked the other way while several terrorists attacked India's capital. It's the kind of thing that should have sparked a war between the two but the corporation stepped in and said no. They didn't want to lose their cheap Indian labor.

So if you're counting on a world War to save humanity in some kind of weird way no you're not going to get that. The only way out of this is the one way all us old farts hate the most. We need to change from a competitive society to a cooperative one.

And that is fucking hard because nothing is pounded into your skull harder when you're a kid than the idea that competition is the best thing in the world. Every fucking movie I grew up with was about that in one form or another and about how it made everything better. Hell even just mentioning that we should be transitioning to a coperatives society is probably going to get this post modded into Oblivion because it's such a boring alien and frightening concept

Comment The Neanderthal misanthropes don't want that (Score -1, Offtopic) 281

but nothing they want matters. They're right wing. The core of the right wing isn't libertarianism, that's a left wing thing. The core is obedience

The right wing grew out of the French monarchy (and monarchists in general). The word literally comes from monarchists sitting in the right wing of the French assembly.

The idea is there's a strict hierarchy. You've got some people at the top and some at the bottom. In exchange for obeying the guy above you the guy below you has to obey *you*. That's the deal, and that's what makes it so appealing to certain people. They get respect, even if they haven't earned it.

Ever see a video of some short pasty looking white dude in his 50s getting into a fight with a young, tall muscular black guy and wonder "what the hell is that idiot thinking? He's about to get clobbered!" and then have a good laugh when he does? That's the right wing in action. 30 years ago that black guy was lower on the totem pole and would've had to back down, show _respect_.

That's what the Neanderthal misanthropes are pining for. They want to be able to walk up to somebody half a head bigger then them and tell them what to do and they do it. They want to strut down the road and have those guys get out of the way.

Sure, they've got to do the same thing when somebody higher up than them throws their weight around. But they convince themselves it's for the best because of prosperity gospel or some such nonsense.

It's irrational nonsense but it feels pretty good, and all it costs is your self respect and your economic prosperity and your kid's futures.

Comment Not just that (Score 0) 281

even Denmark with their much higher standard of living have dropping birthrates. Buddy of mine wanted more kids. He's Asian and unabashedly admitted it was his retirement plan. Wife vetoed it because she's the one that has to squeeze them out, and she's had it with two. A lot stop at one.

Women with other options in life won't just keep cranking baby after baby. Most physically can't. 2 or 3 is usually the limit, especially with modern babies where the mother is carefully monitored and has her nutritional needs met. They come out huge and more often than not need a cesarean. That's some pretty big surgery to go through for yet another kid.

Oh, and we just criminalized abortion in about 1/2 the country, so expect rates to keep dropping. Sure, we could criminalize birth control and force women into marriage, but short of that you're gonna have a lot more women unwilling to take the risk. Especially on a 2nd or 3rd child. Word will get around what happens if your have complications...

Not that economics isn't a factor, but social issues are just as if not more a factor.

Comment That's like saying WWI was a myth (Score 1, Informative) 104

because we're not in a world war right now. Go read up on the 1st two industrial revolutions. College level history books, not high school level. There was _decades_ of social strife and mass unemployment until wars killed a large number of working age men and new tech made new jobs.

And yeah, we don't have widespread technological unemployment right now, but we *do* have massive technological underemployment.

Face it, we have a large scale social problem going on, with the worst of it about to hit and hit hard. Now is not the time to stick our heads in the sand ostrich style.

Comment So this kind of think of the children crap (Score 5, Insightful) 123

Is where theocratic dictatorships get their start. They don't stop at banning stupid pornos. They're openly out there telling you that they're not going to stop until you're either all on board with their brand of extremist Evangelical Christianity or six feet under.

That's not an exaggeration. We've all seen them going on and on about how gay people cause hurricanes and earthquakes and we laughed it off. They're not joking they genuinely believe that.

Christian nationalists believe in what I can only describe as a sin thermometer. They believe in a level of ambient sin that if it gets too high God smites everyone and everything in the vicinity.

They know damn well they sin all the time and their attitude is they're doing everything they can to reduce the amount of sin they commit so they have to get out there and force you to stop sinning so the temperature of sin goes down enough that we don't all get smited. So they're going to make you obey and they're going to make you act the way they want you to act because in their crazy ass minds that's the only way to protect themselves.

In other words you are a threat to them. At least inside their minds. And so they are not going to stop at dumb bullshit you can easily get around with your VPN if you are so inclined. They're going to go after those vpns and they're going to go after you. Because like I said in their minds you are an active threat

Comment Re:How much is really delayed maintenance? (Score -1) 116

I don't have figures but from what I understand this is just getting the grade to the point where I can handle the number of electric cars they want to put on the road by 2030. It doesn't solve any of the security or reliability or maintenance issues. It just builds out enough capacity that the whole grid doesn't collapse under the weight of all those of EVs.

That said 20 billion dollars is peanuts. To put things into perspective California's annual GDP is well over $3 trillion. I'm no longer a fan of electric cars after I learned that they don't really solve the smog problem and after I was introduced to the concept of High-Speed rail and walkable cities, but if I can't have those things I guess I will take the facts that they at least reduce our dependency on foreign oil. We're making motions to back out of the Middle East and electric cars are a big part of why.

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