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Comment Re:Yes, blame the developers! (Score 1) 156

Developers are not end users... they are some level of engineer, as they are BUILDING things for end users to use... They should be reading some kind of docs before choosing tool / function they use for the job... the more powerful the language the more you need to know.

In your example the developers should be the ones that build the BAD CAR with the exploit in it that was sold, they where not the poor end users that purchased it.

Comment Yes, blame the developers! (Score 5, Interesting) 156

Most web app exploits ARE the developers fault!
- They don't check their inputs (length) buffer over flow
- They parse or merge database commands (SQL injection)
- They don't limit abuse (brute force retry attacks)

Yes some of these can be mitigated at other levels, but ALL are common APPLICATION DEVELOPER ISSUES! by measure of deployment to number of exploits I would say the programing languages and OS already do a MUCH better job than the application developers...

Comment Re:Blackberry? (Score 1) 229

Fair enough, BB OS 10 adopts active-sync removing much of the dependance.

What about Siri? Or MobileMe/iCloud? Even Gmail has unexpected outages. Those are consumer features or services.

For Enterprise Email, calendaring and directory a current gen BB device simply has more points of failure to hop through before you get the message.

ActiveSync is Exchange->Internet->Device
BES BB7 and below is Exchange->BES->RIM->Internet->Device two additional points of failure.

Comment Re:Blackberry? (Score 1) 229

Also if you check the news for the ONLY platform with centralization to the point of causing National/ North America wide device outages, and being forced to hand over some control to other governments by building in centralization in a specific way, you have RIM..

On the plus side we haven't had a nation wide outage on RIM in over a year, must be all the surplus capacity. We started to see a surge in iOS device uptake during the last one.

Comment Re:Blackberry? (Score 4, Insightful) 229

Because starting from scratch on RIMs BB right now could be suicide...

- New OS devices coming in the fall with a new untested management platform
- Over stock of current gen devices they can't sell ( way under powered compared to WP, Android, iOS)
- Bleeding management
- Laying off huge amounts of staff.

Comment We didn't even get to see the real cost. (Score 1) 65

I suspect if it ever made it to market Cisco would have buried it in licensing costs for every feature.

Have you ever tried to provision their VoIP systems? You are typically in for 4 CALs per phone right off the bat for dial tone and voicemail. That is after paying double for their hardware vs similar SIP or UC handsets from other vendors..

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