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Comment Re:Closed how? "Wontfix?" (Score 1) 267

Yep, for me the worst example is akonadi, which is enormously complex, and crashes every now and then in strange and different and difficult to track down ways on pretty much every system I've used it on. I have a fair amount of sympathy with them because I'm not sure how these kind of bugs would ever get fixed. Unless of course the person reporting them likely being the only one who can reproduce due to the cause being some obscure spam in their gmail goes digging and fixes it themselves.

Comment Re:Sure beats jail time... (Score 3, Informative) 1145

The EU single market mandates that you must be able to buy and sell in metric, which is logical since you can't really have a common market without common units. You can also use whatever other units you like and as such many places use imperial units in preference to metric units, reverting to them only when necessary.

Road signs are still mph, horse races are still miles and furlongs and beer is sold by the pint so I think we're happily confused on matters of units this side of the pond.

Comment Why are you still surprised by this? (Score 5, Insightful) 176

You buy a device to store your personal data on from a company that collects personal data for a living, and then run an app on it from another company that profits from collecting you data and then are confused when they collect your personal data?

Reposting as me

Comment Re:It really is a dillema to put MS word on a resu (Score 2) 243

I don't think anyone will hold it against you for knowing something, even something with is not really at the core of what I do to pay the bills (Java dev mostly) but could be required from time to time. Not knowing something however will always be a problem so I do put office on my CV in small writing, near the end.

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
