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Comment Re:They don't seem to be struggling to me (Score 3, Informative) 100

see here. Seem to be doing just fine. Seems more like what's happening is more layoffs that follow the constant mergers and acquisitions. Sure would be nice if we had some anti-trust laws, yes sir.

What is it you think anti-trust would do here? There is no monopoly in play. The struggles are internal to the company, not to the market place. There is nothing in anti-trust preventing a telco from buying a satellite TV company. It's just a shit company being a shit company. Guess what, you don't have to give them any money if you don't want to.

Did you just learn the words anti-trust in school today and you ran home looking for a way to use them?

Comment Re:Party of Business (Score 1) 164

I wonder why Republicans did not try it earlier.

The domination of left-wing new tech is annoying.

They have tried. Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace and immediately turned it into a steaming pile of shit. Now Facebook has struck an alliance with Trump to get him and his Republicans re-elected. It'll be fun to watch how that ends, specifically whether Facebook, having dethroned Fox News as the new hub of conservative propaganda, can turn into an even bigger and smellier shit pile that it already is. If Twitter gets bought out by a Republican donor and follows MySpace and Facebook down the toilet like all other conservative attempts to dominate the tech sector I'll be throwing a party to celebrate.

Murdoch is an avid leftist Clinton supporter. Has been since the 90's. Just because he owns a controlling stake in Foxnews does not make him a right winger.

Comment Re:*COUGH*??? (Score -1, Troll) 272

Number of COVID-19 deaths to this point: ~2900 (Globally)

Number of Flu deaths in the 2018-2019 season to this point: 57,000 (In the US alone)

Shh don't give them facts and figures. Their tiny little minds will explode. Never interrupt "Orange Man Bad" rants. Remember we all died when net neutrality was repealed anyway. This is all a matrix like simulation, just ask Elon Musk.

Comment Re:We're doomed (Score -1, Troll) 272

With Dr. Donald and Mike Pence in charge, we're fucked.

Trump fired the entire CDC Advisory Board and never replaced them. There is at this time no advisory board to help manage this.

Another brilliant move by the Donald.

The last time an advisory board cured someone was................ never

Take your doom and gloom and fuck off

Comment Re:Distraction (Score 0) 74

Hey look at how these big powerful American companies are looking out for free speech in other parts of the world (meanwhile Pence's first move as Coronavirus Czar is to prevent helath officials making statements to the press without going through him).

When the head of the CDC is the wife of the guy that spent 3 years trying to destroy your boss and covering for the crimes of the DOJ and FBI and you're the head of the task force over seeing the emergency response, yes everything should fucking go through you first. Nice job exposing yourself as the partisan hack you are.

Comment Re:NO! I enjoy "the people of walmart" (Score 1) 66

How sad is it that you get your jollies at laughing at other people doing their shopping. What does that say about you?

Oh please, have you seen those people? They aren't the average walmart shopper, it's the freaks of the world showing off. I'm pretty sure most of those pictures are staged.

Comment Re: Or (Score 1) 282

Definitely. Among my friends, family, and coworkers, driving an expensive car is far more correlated with “asshole” than income. Of the assholes, most of them were assholes long before they could afford an expensive car.

If you meet an asshole in the morning then you just met an asshole in the morning. If you've met assholes all day then you're the asshole.

Comment Re:Isn't this what every business does? (Score 4, Interesting) 123

People think insurance is like savings. They pay their fees and at some point they make a withdrawal. In reality it's more like some strange credit system where you pay an interest payment on a balance that doesn't exist and if you dare to withdraw the money you paid into it for any reason you risk having your service canceled due to increased risk levels determined by algorithms that may or may not have any real world accuracy.

Largest fucking scam in history.

Comment Re:A question regarding encrypted DNS (Score 2) 101

Why is the focus on DNS over HTTPS?

It seems it'd make much more sense just to run DNS on a secure socket (just like HTTP or SMTP is currently done).

What is the reasoning behind doing DNS over HTTPS but not SMTP?

It seems messy and like it'll be a PITA in the long run.

Because no one port blocks 443. If you stick it on it's own port everyone can easily block it. It's why so many people choose to run SSH over 443 also.

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