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Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score -1, Troll) 1482

Because of people like you and your knee jerk bullshit in denying people their own personal opinions I am actively refusing to employ not just gays but also liberals and democrats. I will never again tolerate your type in my presence. You are the scum of the earth and will reap the consequences of your personal hate and intolerance.

Comment Re:Irony (Score -1, Troll) 1482

People's attitudes on this are extremely hypocritical. We rail against hatred and discrimination, and yet here we are with a "BURN THE HEATHENS!" mob mentality the second we find out about someone donating a relatively measly $1000 to Prop8. With the way some people are acting, you would think we just discovered that the guy was a raging pedophile. Did he really give out anywhere near the amount of damage that he and Mozilla are now receiving? Is this how we win the battle against discrimination? By replacing one form of irrational hatred and bias with another?

We may view it as poetic justice, but it's hypocrisy; plain and simple. People love to hate. The only thing that ever changes is who the current easy target is. Plenty of CEOs are vile, unscrupulous pigs who cheat on their wives and sexually harass female employees, but you won't see this sort of backlash against them because it isn't the current political hot topic.

Well, when your side of the argument is a crowd of self loathing homosexuals with absolutely no moral compass and a penchant for flying off the handle coupled with a need for societal acceptance of perverted behavior you can't expect anything less than torches and pitch forks.

Comment Re:Boycott California (Score -1, Troll) 1482

If the torch & pitchfork crowds are going after this dude now because he supported CA Prop 8, shouldn't they also call for a boycott of the state of California? You know, since a majority of their voters voted for the infamous Proposition 8 and passed it. I would say that voting for it counts as supporting it, right?

Logic means nothing to these people. They'll call you a horrible person for not washing your hands after going to the bathroom but throw you a fucking parade and cheer you for hours because you stick your dick in someones ass.

We aren't dealing with rational human beings. They are perverted, mentally ill people. Unless you join in their illness you are to be mocked, called a bigot and run out of town. There is no room for dissent.

Comment Re:This is NOT slavery (Score 1) 132

Even if I accepted that, it still isn't the case here. But even that is a stretch because the "Hollywood" version of slavery did exist. The agricultural industry of the Southern United States was based on it, and the issue resulted in a civil war.

The slavery angle is a stupid analogy by privileged and highly paid tech workers.

Now I know you're delusional. The civil war had absolutely nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln ran for re-election and realized he needed fresh blood to win the war. The slavery issue was after the war started, which was about states rights.

The agricultural industry was not based on it. Most people couldn't afford slaves and I don't mean buying them. I mean keeping them. Room and board as well as health care is expensive and unhealthy slaves are not productive. The majority weren't physically abused unlike what Hollywood claims. They were however emotionally abused and their families torn apart. A beaten slave can't work. It made no sense to do so unless they believed their was no other option. Besides that, as I said before, the vast majority of slaves did not work fields. You're free to do your own history homework on the subject. Your view of history is very juvenile and uninformed.

Nevermind the fact there are more slaves in the US today than there were when it was legal when you account for Mexican and Asian illegals. You could do with an education on what slavery actually is.

Comment Re:This is NOT slavery (Score 1) 132

Is it that far off really?

Yes, there's a huge difference. In one scenario, if you try to leave your owner you are a fugitive of the law. In this scenario, you can always get another job..

Ever seen a non-compete clause in a contract? They are standard operating procedure now and companies will actively threaten you with them. So my point stands.

I don't think you have a very good grasp on what slavery is. You seem to have the Hollywood definition in your head when the reality is very different. Most slaves were indentured servants and still are. This is a temporary situation, usually remedied in time when the agreement is done. Historically in the middle east slaves were set free every 7 year cycle along with debt. Even in the US most slaves weren't working fields, most worked in households as maids and nannies. Many of which were paid for their work and had the opportunity to buy their freedom in time.

Now we're slaves to corporations who actively seek to ruin our careers and future prospects should we want to change "owners".

Comment Re:This is NOT slavery (Score 2) 132

They may not be subjected to beatings but they are certainly subject to economic ruin if they try to change or improve their station. I've seen it happen. I've seen good engineers leave engineering altogether because they became untouchable simply because of who they once worked for.

Can you elaborate on this please?

My father worked for Cisco. Amazingly, every place he applied for while still there, would refuse to interview him, when only 5 years before he was one of the most sought after engineers in his field. Eventually he left Cisco and opened his own small business outside of Engineering because he simply couldn't even get interviewed anywhere. He nearly went broke trying.

I have two friends, one who worked for Google and another for Apple. Both left Engineering and went into the Accounting sector because they were untouchable by anyone.The only jobs they would get interviewed for were paying half what they used to make at small shops with virtually no health benefits.

In fact almost everyone I know that worked as an Engineer/software dev has now left the industry. In no small part because of this, coupled with a bit of age discrimination.

Comment Re:This is why I became a leftist (Score 0) 132

So a bunch of leftist execs screw people over and then you decide to jump over and become a leftist? Every single one of these execs is a major Democrat donor, whether its Marrissa Mayer or Eric Schmidt giving max contributions to Dem candidates, going so far as to actually host the parties at their homes or Steve Jobs being best buds with Bill Clinton and Al Gore. In fact every single one of these companies is directly hostile to Republican and Libertarian campaigns and causes.

Your leftists are the problem here with their crony capitalism and constant meddling in the free market. Republicans aren't innocent here but you're so bass akwards on this it's comical. You really think leftism is the solution to this? Sad.

Comment Re:This is NOT slavery (Score 4, Insightful) 132

For employees it is evil a sort of substitute for slaves and indentured servants.

Seriously folks. Let's not for a moment pretend that this is remotely similar to actual slavery. We're talking about two companies to collude to suppress wages for employees that by all objective standards are paid pretty well and have pretty good lives. Are you seriously going to claim that that is in any way comparable to being the property of another human being?

Yes this collusion is wrong. No it isn't even close to slavery. Claiming that the two are anything similar is unbelievably clueless.

Is it that far off really? Many engineers come out of school with 100k+ in debt. They go to work for one of these companies and can never leave because of secret agreements from the execs. Their wages are kept artificially low in a high cost of living area. Between rent/mortgage and other costs of living, they simply can't afford to drop the job and go elsewhere without having another job in the wings.

This isn't much different from indentured servitude. Only with indentured servants there is typically a contract up front, after X number of years you're free to move on. In Silicon Valley its all backroom deals, under the table and out of sight from the public. Your "owners" own you without you explicitly knowing it, there is no end date and there is serious direct career consequences if you try to change it.

They may not be subjected to beatings but they are certainly subject to economic ruin if they try to change or improve their station. I've seen it happen. I've seen good engineers leave engineering altogether because they became untouchable simply because of who they once worked for.

Comment Re:Medicalizing Normality (Score 1) 558

>I don't think he will have any problems passing on his genes.

But should he? I worked with a guy (Mormon) who had 5 autisitc kids. He and his wife just kept pumping them out, one after the other, even after finding out they were pretty much guaranteed to all be autistic. They weren't done at 5 either. Now if they could afford to take care of all of them without help I'd be fine with that but they were on so many government assistance plans I couldn't keep count of them all.

There is an ethical question of whether someone should pass on bad genes or whether those genes are even bad to begin with. No doubt people have the right, but just because you have a right to do something doesn't ethically obligate you to do it.

Comment Re:LMDE (Score 1) 155

Not likely. You can already see most people moving to Arch, Gentoo or one of the RPM based distros in greater numbers. Linux Mint is just a slightly less ugly Ubuntu and the Debian edition doesn't offer any compelling benefits over the Ubuntu edition for end users. I'm sorry to say but apt/dpkg really haven't aged well and are replaced nicely by yum/pacman and other tools.

Comment Re:As a KDE user... (Score 1) 155

Its sad that these days it is easier to theme Windows than it is Linux. It's also sad after so many years of mocking Windows users for their unstable desktop experience that we're now stuck with Unity, GNOME 3 and KDE 4 which are less stable than Windows ME. It's like Linux on the desktop is going backwards instead of forwards. I have all my hopes on Wayland but if I don't see major improvement in Linux desktop distro's within the next year I'm just going to give up and move to FreeBSD for servers and Mac OSX for desktops. Enough with the endless beta test.

Comment Re:Possible backlash over Prop 8 support (Score 0) 112

I'm against gay marriage. I think it's ridiculous that people who aren't religious want to engage in a religious institution. That said, the type of attitude you have is much much worse than anything you could possibly ascribe to me. You wish not to discriminate against gays, fine, but then turn around and want to discriminate against people like Eich and myself.

You're a hypocrite of the worst kind. Eich is free to disagree with gay marriage all he likes. If he breaks a law then you can kick and scream and stamp your feet like a fucking child, until then piss off.

Comment Re:More Corporate Greedmeisters (Score 0) 466

- the US has fallen from 16th in 2012 to 31st in 2014 for broadband speed...

No capitalism involved in this example because the telcos are government granted monopolies.

- pro sports tickets are almost unaffordable to the average person

Not capitalism because the team is granted a monopoly in their area by the city. This is good and bad. Good because it keeps teams from sprouting up stadiums all over the place. Bad because they can then charge whatever they want and sports morons will pay it.

- US healthcare is the most expensive per capita in the developed world and is ranked 33 for infant mortality

There is zero capitalism in medicine today because the FDA controls everything from drugs to medical devices and states grant monopolies to insurance providers. I can't by out of state insurance to compete with the fuckers that are ripping me off.

We need to get of this 'we;re great, capitalism solves everything' fox news mantra and look at what's actually happening.

No, YOU need to take your head out of your ass and stop blaming Fox News for all of your very real liberal inadequacy.

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