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User Journal

Journal Journal: Subject? 3

Luckily, nothing terrible seems to have happened yet.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Strange fog 1

Today was awesome and terrible. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

It seemed to start out badly, with a big fight between my mother and I over whether or not I needed to wear a coat. Stupid, but things have been really tense around my house recently. I'm on the brink with school, and there's really nothing she can do, but I still feel that she should be trying something, anything.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Womenfolk 7

Today was an interesting day. It was blissfully short, which unfortunately also meant I didn't get to work on my Latin project. Mostly, though, it was good.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A new begining

I've decided to give up my other blog. It's not worth maintaining it, and the people who would read it are not worth talking to.
I'm not sure to say when introducing myself. I'd like to say, quite simply, "I'm ______, and I'm proud of it", but I'm not sure what goes in the blank. I've lost a sense of my identity, which is the one thing that has always been my greatest fear.
I'm writing this as a diary. Hopefully, I'll sit down each day and type out normal diary entry as if it was privat

User Journal

Journal Journal: Night out

Just got back from the movies. I went "Out on the town" for my first time ever. I'm kinda a shy kid at my school, despite being well liked.
We went to see "Sky Captain", which was awesome looking but shallow, and then we wandered around Barnes and Noble for an hour. No hints of "Action", but I greatly enjoyed myself in a real social situation.

Journal Journal: Life is not a Zero Sum Game 2

Why is it that on every issue, there's a Republican way, a Democratic way, and occasionally a crazy way dreamed up by one of the ultra partisan groups? For Gay marriage, Simple answer: Call it a civil union, make it exactly the same benefits. Or, better yet, give up the whole idea of "The State" recognizing marriages and call EVERYTHING a civil union. Marriage has always been a religious thing, why call the secular benefits by the same name?
Some issues need debate. I believe in the Iraqi war

Journal Journal: Concentration

Summer's more than half over, and I've gotten less than a quarter of what I wanted to done. I can't seem to sit down and code like I used to. Maybe I need a vacation, or maybe I need less caffine.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Sixteen 3

I'm getting OLD. Not as old as most of the people on here, but old nonetheless. Still, I got a cool watch and a GBA SP out of the deal. And one of my friends who just got back from China got me a set of Terra Cotta Army figurines.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Em Emalb's Meme.

Whenever we find ourselves together, we love to talk about the past, present and future.
Role Playing (Games)

Journal Journal: D&D 3

My D&D results:

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Mage Bard

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Journal Journal: FFXI: Review

Not quite the full night, I spent around 4 hours asleep, but FFXI is addictive. The interface has a steep learning curve, but once you know it, it works well. Absolutley beautiful, though. I had it set to the lowest graphics settings for the first long while playing, and it still looked goregous. Worth a video card upgrade to see in all its glory. Engaging story, too. Square lives up to its reputation with a killer intro movie and an interesting plot. Trying to play with your friends is supposed

Journal Journal: FFXI

Whoo! I just got FFXI, installing as I type. Everything I've heard about it so far puts it at "Fun" but I'll see how it goes. With square's Track record, It should be good, but this is the first forray into a new field. I'm gonna review it as soon as I decide to log off (Which may be a while, from what I've heard)

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