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Journal Hi_2k's Journal: Subject? 3

Luckily, nothing terrible seems to have happened yet.

I was flirting with g2 in study hall today. She is a flirt, but I think I may have something going. KH yesterday was a nice touch. She's insistent that I not get her anything in return, but I'm gonna anyway.
I still haven't gotten over G1, though. What is Knowing someone? I don't think physical contact is necessary. I'd say I Know a lot of the people whose journals I read better than I Know people I've met in real life. I think the anonymity allows people to say things they wouldn't if they were to see someone everyday. This can be good, and it can be bad.

I bring this up because I read g1's blog. I know her in real life, but I think she's more real to her blog than to reality. I don't know, however, if the online persona will ever come out in real life, and I don't know how to merge our online friendship with real life friendship.

Music is a great mood enhancer. It's almost like a drug. It changes, on some fundamental level, how your brain works. The right song at the right time can make all the difference.

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