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Comment Re:Truss Bridge Self Supported. Not Cable Stayed. (Score 1) 276

"the designers realized that there would be tension forces on truss member #11 during the move"

Any "designer" (which includes the engineers) that would fail to realize that bridge components would have forces imposed on them during transport doesn't deserve to work in engineering or construction. Then again, maybe all the experienced and competent (and expensive) people have been funemployed in favor of cheaper, less-experienced software button-pushers who just think they are competent.

Comment Re:Welcome to Automation (Score 1) 386

But drafting/3D modelling can be tedious and boring, and I've found there not to be many engineers in the process plant design world who are doing it. Except in India/China of course, where you can get degreed engineers to operate PDMS for $5.75 an hour.

All I think about when I hear Revit is someone shrieking BIM at the top of their lungs for 30 minutes.

Comment Welcome to Automation (Score 1) 386

Junior AutoCAD drafters are no longer required because the software automates many of the tasks that they used to perform. So, insufficiently-experienced juniors get "promoted" to more senior positions while the old farts get laid-off because why not? They're too expensive anyway.

Well, this is what happens if the work hasn't already been offshored to India or China in the first place.

Ever try mentoring someone who is 12 time zones away and asleep while you are working?

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