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Comment axfuzz (Score 5, Interesting) 51

in their whitepaper they referenced my 'axfuzz' tool I wrote years ago and even used a modified version of it in their testing. Hope they didn't judge me on that code, it was a pile of crap that I kept hacking together until it finally worked, with no thought to proper software design.

Comment Re:Expediency (Score 1) 340

It's not that easy at all. They use virtual machines, encryption, parts of the game resources encoded on invalid sectors on the game disk etc etc. Some of the copyright protections have taken months to crack by experts at machine level debugging, and still haven't been done correctly. The guys writing the games are just good high level language programmers, artists and game-engine-re-users... hardly device driver debugger experts.

Comment Re:I don't want simpler games; just shorter ones. (Score 1) 462

Bad company 2, modern warefare and portal are some of the best games I've played. The main reason being I was able to complete them in a reasonable time without the feeling of having wasted my life.

I recommended BC2 to someone recently. I used the argument that I actually bothered to finish it as evidence the game was worth playing.

I don't play multiplayer games at all, I am too old and couldn't be bothered wasting my time only to lose. Spending hours on a game only to lose or without any sense of achievement is pretty depressing.

Comment Re:Piracy (Score 1) 462

This is a good point - many people treat a pirated version as a 'demo' they only give 4-5 hrs before moving onto something else until they find something worth dedicating their time.

Comment Re:so, spammers just need servers... (Score 1) 202

The partial answers need to show up in Google, so that people actually click through. If they had a proper pay-wall, Google wouldn't see the answers either. If they showed different content to the google search indexer, they would be removed from the index. What they are currently doing probably wouldn't be allowed from a smaller site, and they are skating on thin ice, but Google bends the rules for sites that bring in more google adsense revenue.

Comment Re:Apple isn't an open platform. Deal with it. (Score 1) 314

Most likely their backup plan is to sue. They had their lawyers go over the EULA with a fine tooth comb (Opera mentions this) and they seem to think there is no problem. Opera mini renders on the server side, not client side, thus not competing with the current browser, apparently.

If Apple rejects it, Opera lawyers up (see Microsoft and the EU with regards to Opera). They may even require Apple to give iPhone users a 'browser ballot' - Opera may even be hoping they reject it.

Comment Re:already (Score 1) 422

There's a far better resource here anyway:

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Comment Re:Old news is VERY OLD (Score 5, Informative) 582

Indeed, this is very old news, it's been done many times before. I recall reading and applying this article for Windows many years ago:

there's also: and (again for windows) and many more.

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Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
