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Comment Re:It's nothing, Shroedinger's logarithm beats tha (Score 1) 92

Uh, isn't that technically correct behavior?

if your display can only display n digits but you have n digits of 9 and the n+1 digit is higher than 5 it should round up the entire line. However trunc does not care about what is being displayed so it should simply drop the fractional.

in other words if n (number of digits after the decimal displayed) is 3 and internally the number stored is 2.99999 then the display should display 3.000 but trunc() should display 2.000

Comment Re:Not rabbit ears (Score 2, Informative) 265

I have found DTV reception to be far more sensitive to the direction of the antenna, combined with the fact that my television doesn't allow manual tuning, means that with only one antenna there are only a subset of channels available at one time, to get a different subset requires a five minute autoscan.

Comment Re:Enough with the evil Google routine (Score 1) 342

Do you really think that google isn't completely filled with agents from various intelligence agencies? The NSA gets whatever they want. The truth of the matter is that google refused to provide a simple list of queries, what they claimed at the time was that to protect business methods, nothing more. Fanboys of google claimed it was to protect your privacy, google NEVER claimed that to be the case, you would think, if it were the case that they were "protecting your privacy" they would have spoken clearly of doing just that. They never once did, that speaks much louder of why they did this, and the likelihood that they are supplying similar data elsewhere.

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