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Comment Re:Conversion (Score 1) 595

Because the supply of bit coins is constant per unit time no matter how many people mine them. So if 100 people mined the numbers, it would only take 100 computers. Except CAPITALISM with puny minds cannot handle such a scheme. So people will spend crazy money to get their 10 bit coins just a little sooner than somebody else. This is no more logical than gold mining... Have you seen the show for Mining Alaskan gold flakes? It's equally as wasteful.

Or how about Wall Street High Frequency Trading? HFT is almost EXACTLY like mining bit coins... And considerably more money is spent versus if people just traded their stocks one time per day and used pen and paper.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 108

You just explained why people don't understand that Apple revolutionized tablets as much as Palm before them. That Microsoft's "solution" for having Office on Metro was just an Icon to open a normal desktop shows that they DON'T UNDERSTAND TABLETS. We already had that... And customers REJECTED desktop GUI metaphors on a finger-based device... Microsoft added nothing of value to the RT version of Office that the XP version from 2002 didn't have.

Microsoft's entire Office Product is tied to a giant GUI kit, right down to the engine that renders a document on a page.. Microsoft has known since Dot Net (more than 5 years) that they needed to REFACTOR Office to run on leaner machines with leaner APIs and lower hardware requirements. But they failed to execute. We EXPECTED Microsoft to design a NEW WAY to work with complex spreadsheets on a finger-based OS that didn't involve just copying what they already rehashed to us TEN YEARS ago. Apple's Numbers at least attempts to invent a new interface... It's Microsoft's show, they have "unlimited" funds, and "unlimited" access to the smartest programmers on the wirld at Microsoft Research.... And they refused to accept that the public REJECTED their take on Tablet apps for the third time in a DECADE.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 5, Interesting) 108

QuickOffice is their offline product. It has been floating around since the Palm days to read MS Office docs. The only problem is that QuickOffice never picked up OpenOffice file types... And that is what Google Docs are built on natively.

If Google would move on the OpenOffice compatibility they could grab a bunch of Linux Desktop offices as well that use LibreOffice included in lots of distros. And LibreOffice is free for Macs and PCs so google could do a Google Docs plugin.

Microsoft has allowed too much NIH from MS Office management and they are about to lose their Monopoly money. They were supposed to have a native Dot Net version of Office 3-5 years ago.. They could have been running it on Xboxes... But the Office team couldn't do the job. They couldn't deliver a Native Metro Office either... So the Office team not doing their homework means Windows RT has to run a "fake desktop" for MICROSOFT'S FLAGSHIP PRODUCT. That's not Winning. So is it a surprise that MS can't get an iOS or Android version out? Microsoft has lashed their shops together so tightly they can't pick them apart... They can't even keep up a MAC version of Office without a year lead time.

So while the FOJ was utterly ineffective in intro long Microsoft's behavior with the law, at least Microsoft's 10 year focus on bending and weaseling out of the DOJ rules took their collective eyeballs off MAKING SOFTWARE. (Kin and Courier could have won them back share YEARS ago) And now the little ships like Apple and Google have paddled far enough away on different directions Microsoft can't hurt them anymore.

Comment Return to googles younger days (Score 1) 496

It will be a return to the younger cooler days.. The Halcon days before Jonny Appleseed was taking over in its ivory tower. Google has created a device that will Connect to your Nexus using the open sources available on the internet. These will let you show birthday invitations to your bioroid friends.

Just watch out for it trying to take over the world by connecting directly to people's brains to make them better.

(Sorry, it's too late and the clever is flickering out)

Comment Re:being your own boss (Score 1) 426

You silly people complaining about deductions. The whole "fair tax" thing is a scam. Most regular folk under $100k end up about 12-18% income taxes. It's the PAYROLL taxes that get you for another 15% OFF THE TOP with ZERO deductions.

If you do get to $200k then you start hitting the 28% brackets... But realize Mitt or Warren ar like our parent poster... They claim ALL capital gains and only pay 15% with ZERO PAYROLL taxes (SS, FICA, etc) taken out. So like Mitt's numbers last year, he paid a flat 14% after business deductions... On $14 Million. You at $75k or $100k still have that 15% PAYROLL taxes off the top BEFORE you figure your IRS taxes...

In the 1950-1970's capital gains WAS Income Tax.. And it went higher than 50% at the million dollar levels. It wasn't till the late 1970-1980's that the top brackets for capital gains dropped to lower than WORKING WAGE EARNERS. When we talk about something like Social Security being 1/3 the budget, realize that tax used to STOP at $110k in wages. After that people got their 8% back! But realize LITTLE of that money was from "taxing the rich" and worse they borrowed it from the little people to cut taxed the rich did pay.

So stop the whole "fair tax" talk and knock the capital gains to 28% where a $200k computer programmer would pay. That would double the take from Mitt and Warren overnight.

Comment Re:being your own boss (Score 1) 426

That is exactly how all these CEOs work for $1 wages... And do exactly what you described with the stock options. They cash out a million or so at the "wages" tax rate and sit in the rest so they only pay 15% capital gains tax and not the OTHER 15% or so in payroll taxes that don't have exemptions.

The only problem in your case is that only claiming $40k effects your long term Social Security if you did need it (or your spouse if you die) you would get way less.

Comment Re:being your own boss (Score 0) 426

MOST STATES do not require breaks or lunch periods for employees. Or vacation, holiday, sick pay, insurance, minimum hours, max hours, etc...

That's always been the "union" gig so State lawmakers never actually passed those laws.. Unions just negotiated for them by employer. Of course unions never pushed to change the LAW because why should non-union employees benefit.

Comment Re:Ok..So verizon has shown they cant be trusted.. (Score 1) 168

There was no NEED for a warrant because the police were tracking a DEVICE and not a person. It's offensive that the court didn't recognize this. The police had no GROUNDS to ask for a warrant because they did not have a suspect name nor location. They DID ask for a court order for Verizon to do the work tracking the DEVICE, so that is good enough.

You don't need a warrant in a CHASE. In this case they are crying because the stolen property was tattling from inside their house... It only connected when they were illegally accessing Verizon's network... That's not "spying" by a long shot. That is the risk of using a stolen device.

Comment Re:Ok..So verizon has shown they cant be trusted.. (Score 1) 168

Except ACCESSING Verizon's network requires agreeing to a TOS that among other things GRANTS THEM PERMISSION to install whatever baseband updates are necessary to work with their network. The suspect was accessing their network via payments from stolen credit cards.. So Verizion had no obligation to even turn the device on. If Verizon wishes to track a stolen device that has "clicked thru" to access THEIR PROPERY they have no legal problems doing so.

Even the whole "transmitting from the location" argument doesn't follow because the suspect was using ILLEGALLY obtained means to pay, and was ACTIVELY USING Verizon's network to continue to commit crimes.

Verizion knew that the ACCOUNT was fraudulently obtained, and they knew the DEVICE registered. To use a car analogy, the police used normal survailance to follow a stolen car, not knowing who stole it. They FOLLOWED the car and observed it driving into a private garage.. Police don't need a warrant to "continue presuit" of criminal activity they are actively observing. Police don't need a warrant to open the garage when they OBSERVED the stolen property entering. It's the same thing here.

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