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Comment Re:being your own boss (Score 1) 426

That is exactly how all these CEOs work for $1 wages... And do exactly what you described with the stock options. They cash out a million or so at the "wages" tax rate and sit in the rest so they only pay 15% capital gains tax and not the OTHER 15% or so in payroll taxes that don't have exemptions.

The only problem in your case is that only claiming $40k effects your long term Social Security if you did need it (or your spouse if you die) you would get way less.

Comment Re:being your own boss (Score 0) 426

MOST STATES do not require breaks or lunch periods for employees. Or vacation, holiday, sick pay, insurance, minimum hours, max hours, etc...

That's always been the "union" gig so State lawmakers never actually passed those laws.. Unions just negotiated for them by employer. Of course unions never pushed to change the LAW because why should non-union employees benefit.

Comment Re:Ok..So verizon has shown they cant be trusted.. (Score 1) 168

There was no NEED for a warrant because the police were tracking a DEVICE and not a person. It's offensive that the court didn't recognize this. The police had no GROUNDS to ask for a warrant because they did not have a suspect name nor location. They DID ask for a court order for Verizon to do the work tracking the DEVICE, so that is good enough.

You don't need a warrant in a CHASE. In this case they are crying because the stolen property was tattling from inside their house... It only connected when they were illegally accessing Verizon's network... That's not "spying" by a long shot. That is the risk of using a stolen device.

Comment Re:Ok..So verizon has shown they cant be trusted.. (Score 1) 168

Except ACCESSING Verizon's network requires agreeing to a TOS that among other things GRANTS THEM PERMISSION to install whatever baseband updates are necessary to work with their network. The suspect was accessing their network via payments from stolen credit cards.. So Verizion had no obligation to even turn the device on. If Verizon wishes to track a stolen device that has "clicked thru" to access THEIR PROPERY they have no legal problems doing so.

Even the whole "transmitting from the location" argument doesn't follow because the suspect was using ILLEGALLY obtained means to pay, and was ACTIVELY USING Verizon's network to continue to commit crimes.

Verizion knew that the ACCOUNT was fraudulently obtained, and they knew the DEVICE registered. To use a car analogy, the police used normal survailance to follow a stolen car, not knowing who stole it. They FOLLOWED the car and observed it driving into a private garage.. Police don't need a warrant to "continue presuit" of criminal activity they are actively observing. Police don't need a warrant to open the garage when they OBSERVED the stolen property entering. It's the same thing here.

Comment Re:Ok..So verizon has shown they cant be trusted.. (Score 1) 168

An example of the same thing would be YOU activating "Find my iPhone" remotely after somebody took your stuff... But you didn't know WHO. YOU would be activating a big that is not normally active but on YOUR PROPERTY. The AirCard was fraudulently purchased, therefore "Verizon" was the grieved party acting as the owner of the network the card was illegally operating on.

Comment Re:Ok..So verizon has shown they cant be trusted.. (Score 1) 168

Depending on how the warrant was written... It sounds like it was an "order" to assist the FBI in finding the offender with a specific device they identified as used for criminal activity.

As VERIZON OWNS the towers and the FIRMWARE they modified. It need to be a "warrant" because they were not "following the whereabouts" around town, but trying to pick out where he was staying.

A WARRANT requires that they KNOW who you are and can identify a place to search. In this case they had no PLACE. This is like tracking somebody fleeing a scene (like you see on TV) which doesn't require a warrant at all. Verizon changed the subscribers phone so the FBI could FIND them, not retrieve information FROM the phone. The FBI was tracking a "stolen" or "fraudulently registered" device, not the "owner" of the device.. You only need WARRANTS to collect information about people.

Comment Re:Ok..So verizon has shown they cant be trusted.. (Score 2) 168

But the flip side is that their network is secure enough VERIZON has to have their engineers actually write a patch for police to use. So while they have low standards for cooperating, it seems like it is a lot of work for Verison to do... EXPENSIVE work police won't want to use too often.

Comment Re:Fox Corporate Asshole (Score 2) 306

We have had subscription Broadcast TV before. When I was a kid, my neighbors had "IT TV" that ran a scrambled channel, that was in the 1980's.

Maybe If Fox sold off stations, Google could launch a YouTube Network. They could use all 4 Digital channels for maximum effect. They would have to clean up some shows for swearing and such, but they try to do that already. They have mastered short ads every few clips so DVR wouldn't really hurt them.. In fact they could work with TiVo and the built in program guide Digital TV includes to automatically record shows based on keywords.

Comment Re:DEA can't TAP it (Score 1) 195

Like getting caught stopped AT&T?? Didn't they make what the NSA asked for legal after-the-fact AT&T got caught?

There is a technical issue that Apple doesn't support redirecting messages...although they could allow the DEA to have an additional iMessage device. Apple probably "could" do it.

The REAL issue is that there is NO LEGAL MANDATE for Apple to do so. Aple running a chat program is legally no different than YOU running a chat program. Apple is not a telecommunications provider or an ISP, nor do they get the legal protections of those classes. If you are going to hold Apple to this standard, then you would have to tap EVERY instance of Blackberry Messenger or Microsoft Lync... Even PRIVATE ones operated by your company.

The DEA is hijacking the discussion to get something that has Congress has not wanted to pass multiple times. The DOJ has been able to push telcos and Microsoft around because of monopoly rules and applying laws based on their "class" as common carriers or ISPs. This is the classic "there should be a rule" because they have got what they wanted from "lawbreakers" so now non-lawbreaking companies should comply too.

Comment DEA can't TAP it (Score 5, Insightful) 195

The issue is not that the DEA cannot lawfully acquire the messages... It's that THEY HAVE TO ASK , EVERY TIME.

Most taps are just "wide open" until the warrant expires and the telco turns the tap off... There is very little oversight. Many online services give law enforcement more of an "open ticket" to keep coming back for email or Facebook as often as they need. While the line isn't "tapped" LEOs can refresh every twenty minutes if they want.

They are attepting to bully Apple into allowing a MITM or wide open ticket to people's accounts. The first post on this very carefully NEGLECTED to mention that Apple COMPLIES with lawful requests. Which they most certainly would. The issue is that Apple won't open a giant backdoors and look the other way while LEOs look up their ex-girlfriends, or people with fancy cars to pick on. Apple is probably making them request transcripts with dates and times... And then APPLE SENDS it to them.

Comment Re:Yep, Like a Vacuum Cleaner (Score 1) 572

Your vacuum doesn't make you WAIT twenty minutes for updates before allowing to vacuum. Even iOS doesn't FORCE you to download new game versions of Angry Birds if you just want to play 20 minutes.

It's gone from "making available" patches online to "requiring" patches EVERY DAY just to play... And now they want more? My Magic:tG cards don't have that problem!

Comment Re:Better answer (Score 1) 572

You know how annoying it is to give your kid two hours of play time only to have it eaten up by patches and updates and reboots for every game they try???

I'm not babysitting a kid's toy because it can't be designed to "just work" for the 2 hours I allocate my kids to use it. For some games I don't have that much patience anymore, literally hours of updates that WASTE MY TIME not playing your stupid game.

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