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Journal Journal: These are the things in my head at night 7

Then-PFC, now-SGT Bergdahl may in fact have deserted his post. There are certainly credible accusations to that effect, and if so, then he should be tried and convicted for the crime. But it's a whole lot easier to investigate those charges with him here, and we don't let the Taliban mete out justice for us.

Comment Re:It's just Google being Google (Score 1) 89

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But have you seen the new GoogleMapDocDrive, now online. Now on your desktop. Now in your Android Phone!

Comment When I was a lad (Score 1) 230

School, circa 1974. Sending off your sheets and hoping that the keypunch operators didn't get 0's and O's confused. O's were slashed, or perhaps it was the other way round. Getting your job back on music ruled paper the next week

University. There were teletypes that you could use to get access to the ICL mainframe, but for exams you had to use punched cards, and only got 3 goes to compile and run your program. There were always queues for the big punch machines, so if you just needed one card doing, you could use a hand punch.

There's a good page with a photo of one here:

By my first job in 1979, we had VT52's and then VT100's, as well as a LA120 for the console.

Comment Re:um... (Score 3, Informative) 245

Well, I know the DMV in Florida keeps them. A little while back, I asked what my file looked like. It was a slow day, so they turned the monitor so I could see it. They had every drivers license photo I've had since the 80s.

I thought the passport office asked for two. It's been a long time. says one photo now. I guess they figured out how to scan them finally. :)

Comment Re:Expensive coverage? (Score 1) 251

Ya, I have been covered by employer insurance on and off over the years. Some have it, some don't. Some plans were great, and others weren't. And sometimes greed just gets in the way of everything. The entire medical industry is greedy. The only part that isn't would be nursing staff. They do most of the work, get most of the abuse from patients and family, and get paid shit.

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