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Comment Climate Data changers are a security threat! (Score 1) 417

Hardy har har, You are funny! (And according to some Insightful too)

I take it you probably a member of the IPCC, very scientific, in the liberal sense. Don't confuse yourself with Einstein, Newton, or Copernicus.

"It's in the tree ring data...wait a minute, I mean the ice core samples, hold it, I mean the satellite data, WAIT...The proof is somewhere here, I just know it!"

"Shut that peer reviews pie hole!"

Comment Guns and Gold Gentleman, Guns and Gold.... (Score 1) 450

Crimes defined as what and by whom? If it is the law of the sovereign nation that they are in at the time, no harm no foul. If it is some collection of laws determined by anybody else, it very well could be a violation of sovereignty. That would be a impeachable offense, in just about ant country I would imagine.

Comment Re:What the west has missed (Score 1) 113

George W. was clearly wrong in what he said at that time.
I agree with your statement about manufacturing, but Clinton's trade agreements destroyed any capability of the US to gain it back.

The article takes me back to the mindset here in the US in the late 60's early 70's. Fun times!

Comment Are we done yet?!?! (Score 1) 647

Seriously, are we done yet? If I called for patents on what I created in the past two decades, the hell would be immense. I do not as I call the solutions self evident, just as the patent’s that is being discussed are.

Cripes, I here by call dibs on the patent for extending digits into ones nostril for dried mucus removal.

Software patents. What a joke.

And on that note, If Mr. Taco (or who ever) would please add the pass through of obvious text formating without having to embed HTML gliph's, I would apreciate it.

Comment Re:Hmm...Hmm... (Score 1) 143

Then again, with nothing to gain in a public competition/venue, the real hackers worth their salt are holding back.
It's worth more to them to crack the devices later, offering the ability to somebody who would pay them substantial sum of money to sway an election.
If you want to wear a tin foil hat, you might come to think the whole hacking competition was rigged for the benefit of the government...... Nah...

Either way you look at it, it makes the whole event suspect.

Comment Re:Here is some troll bait for you all..... (Score 1) 584

Assuming things makes an Ass of U and Me
My understanding of law seems Ok, just question the silly ones, and more importantly question the motives of the people creating and imposing them.
I detect a tone of superiority in your post. Your attempt to denigrate myself is precisely why people should and probably do ignore you.
You seem well intentioned, but to me it would appear your intentions have you misguided.
You have no idea who I am or what I have witnessed, you just assume superiority.
Allot of bad people out there probably find their ideals superior to yours.
Can I multi task better than you, probably, but I really do not know.
Being a civil servant does not preclude you from doing silly things; It just grants you thanks from us for jobs well done.

Comment Looked like a fight to me (Score 1) 383

The positive: Judging from the downward looking onboard camera, the vibrations and oscillations I was expecting were minimal at best. Great job!
BUT: The first part of the flight looked like a fight between the booster and the attitude control system. It was some time before the booster settled down. I could see a couple guys talking about it in the launch room. An absolutely visible cant to the bird. Probably gave the RSO the jitters!
Separation: Gads, the booster swung around as planned due to the rockets firing, but the top stage swung around just as quickly. Certainly would want data on that.

Comment Re:Here is some troll bait for you all..... (Score 1) 584

You just proved my point/affirmed information and data.
  • 1. Troll Bait, you bit.
  • 2. I do not live in Canada, thanks for the data verification of my assumption.
    • 2a. There are terminals.
    • 2b. There is Radio Use while the vehicle is in use (exceptions).
    • 2c. Walkies have to be on, yet everyone else is turn off there device (exceptions).

Citizens want "exceptions" too.
You are funny!

Comment I don't think so.... (Score 1) 419

"Now you're getting desperate. Even 15% grid loss would be extreme"

I do not think so. A decade ago, someone posted a cradle to grave power grid distribution graph. I would live to find a copy of it again. The striking thing to me was the grid loss. It only makes since given Ohm's law, miles of wire, and many transformers, but I had never considered it before that time. Losses illustrated were between 5% to 50% with 15% being the median.
If you have empirical evidence to the contrary, I very much would like to have it! I have been looking for that graph for a while now.

Comment How...... (Score 3, Interesting) 419

"Even if you use the dirtiest coal plant on the planet [to charge an ultracapacitor], it generates a third of the carbon dioxide of diesel.'"

Petroleum diesel C16H34 or C14H30
Coal Errrrrr C with variable trace quantities of S, H, O and N.
Subcritical fossil fuel power plants can achieve 36–40% efficiency. Supercritical designs have efficiencies in the low to mid 40% range, with new "ultra critical" designs using pressures of 4,400 psi (30 MPa) and dual stage reheat reaching about 48% efficiency.

Ideal diesel efficiency of 56%, but lets stay sane, I keep hearing more along the lines of 35% (Probably BS but real numbers have been banished/obfuscated/hidden somewhere)

Factor in 15% to 50% (extreme) grid transmission loss, and (ops) 5% to 10% electric motor loss.

Love the idea of a Ultra Capacitor for a Hybrid, just stop saying silly things. Less CO2, you're funny.

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