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Comment Re:If a picture's 1k words, video must be a 1Mb (Score 1) 50

The issue isn't so much video as such, but rather the lack of editing.

If going to the trouble of video, give me a script and some decent utilization of the form.

I think you've hit on it here. Video can add something. I watch a ton of motorcycle repair videos precisely because the video adds to the text of the shop manual. But I find that often the five minute video is better than the 15, as the former has spend up redundant parts, eliminated pointless pauses, etc.

Comment Not as capable as a HOSTS file (Score 0) 85

APK Hosts File Engine 9.0++ 32/64-bit:


(Details of hosts' benefits enumerated in link)



A. ) Hosts do more than AdBlock ("souled-out" 2 Google/Crippled by default) + Ghostery (Advertiser owned) - "Fox guards henhouse", or Request Policy -> http://yro.slashdot.org/commen...

B. ) Hosts add reliability vs. downed or redirected DNS + secure vs. known malicious domains too -> http://tech.slashdot.org/comme... w/ less added "moving parts" complexity + room 4 breakdown,

C. ) Hosts files yield more speed (blocks ads & hardcodes fav sites - faster than remote DNS), security (vs. malicious domains serving mal-content + block spam/phish), reliability (vs. downed or Kaminsky redirect vulnerable DNS, 99% = unpatched vs. it & worst @ ISP level + weak vs FastFlux + DynDNS botnets), & anonymity (vs. dns request logs + DNSBL's).


Hosts do more w/ less (1 file) @ a faster level (ring 0) vs redundant browser addons (slowing up slower ring 3 browsers) via filtering 4 the IP stack (coded in C, loads w/ OS, & 1st net resolver queried w\ 45++ yrs.of optimization).

* Addons are more complex + slowup browsers in message passing (use a few concurrently - you'll see) - Addons slowdown SLOWER usermode browsers layering on MORE: I work w/ what you have in kernelmode, via hosts ( A tightly integrated PART of the IP stack itself )


P.S.=> * "A fool makes things bigger + more complex: It takes a touch of genius & a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - E.F. Schumacher/Einstein

** "Less is more" = GOOD engineering!

*** "The premise is, quite simple: Take something designed by nature & reprogram it to make it work FOR the body, rather than against it..." - Dr. Alice Krippen "I AM LEGEND"



Comment Re:Regular Wallet (Score 2) 272

Actually, I was recently pulled over by the CHP and he remarked that you can just take a picture of your insurance card and the cops will accept that as proof of insurance. I assume it has to be a decent picture with the account numbers visible and the like...

Legality of that varies by jurisdiction, I'm sure.

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